California Center for Population Research

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3sr461ndFixed and Random Effects in Panel Data Using Structural Equations Models362313318.6%
8wc8v8cvCohort Analysis332283048.4%
0w09j05zThe Legacy of Apartheid: Racial Inequalities in the New South Africa2906122921.0%
6b1126d4A Measure of Adolescents’ Attitudes toward Family Obligation2724822417.6%
0g28k77wCausal Effect of Health on Labor Market Outcomes: Experimental Evidence1603612422.5%
3037s3mpLipstick or Timberlands? Meanings of Gender Presentation in Black Lesbian Communities121546744.6%
3hg44330The Migration Industry in the Mexico-U.S. Migratory System100307030.0%
4r4561vjHousing Crowding Effects on Children’s Wellbeing: National and Longitudinal Comparisons973943.1%
1c86q94hThe Impact of Adequate Prenatal Care in a Developing Country: testing the WHO recommendations969879.4%
9sx1430nNeighborhoods, Poverty and Children's Well-being: A Review94563859.6%
9zh4z33jAssimilation, Multiculturalism and the Challenge of Marginalized Groups92118112.0%
0rv459qtWorkers' Education, Spillovers, and Productivity: Evidence from Plant-Level Production Functions8273989.0%
8rw2m36wUnwanted Fertility, Contraceptive Technology and Crime: Exploiting a Natural Experiment in Access to The Pill82107212.2%
1g93v4kkIntergenerational Ties: Alternative Theories, Empirical Findings and Trends, and Remaining Challenges76542271.1%
9081v2phThe Household Registration System and Social Stratification in China: 1955-199676482863.2%
4b7043jqFree Distribution or Cost-Sharing? Evidence from a Randomized Malaria Prevention Experiment7566988.0%
3bz58411Constructing a Work History Dataset of Jobs Held During Early and Middle Adulthood Using the Health and Retirement Study70254535.7%
0ms0n3ntPreventive Care for Children in the United States: Quality and Barriers68571183.8%
2jp4h4w8Neighborhood as a Social Context of the Stress Process68303844.1%
6sh23596Segregation Processes68402858.8%
12m9z8c2The Racialization and Feminization of Poverty?67175025.4%
34f1h2ntCohabitation, Marriage, and Trajectories in Well-Being and Relationships67135419.4%
7vx1j291Neighborhood Definitions and the Spatial Dimension of Daily Life in Los Angeles6776010.4%
4mf8k11nThe Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests, and Self-Reports65155023.1%
6xv5k5pcAssortative Mating, Intergenerational Mobility, and Educational Inequality65135220.0%
4s38n8qhThe Effect of Labor Migration and Remittances on Children's Education Among Blacks in South Africa64204431.3%
3qp74527Urban Growth and Climate Change63392461.9%
5kw175t5Daily Variations in Adolescents' Sleep, Activities, and Psychological Well Being61501182.0%
72r1q94bThe Measurement of Same-Sex Unmarried Partner Couples in the 2000 U.S. Census61184329.5%
1t89v0vzTrends in Educational Assortative Marriage From 1940 to 200358223637.9%
5c1240pdAre Both Parents Always Better Than One? Parental Conflict and Young Adult Well-Being5784914.0%
1gh9r6rrEducation in a Crisis5464811.1%
0hg5g0kcFinding Osama Bin Laden: An Application of Biogeographic Theories and Satellite Imagery52153728.8%
3f51g5wwI’d Like to Thank the Academy, Team Spillovers, and Network Centrality51331864.7%
5rp2n8gcThe Household Registration System and Social Stratification in China: 1955-199651341766.7%
7bw543nmFamily Size and Educational Attainment in Indonesia: A Cohort Perspective511502.0%
9tq6q0qnExposing Corrupt Politicians: The Effects of Brazil's Publicly Released Audits on Electoral Outcomes513485.9%
9gz8j7kbAssimilation and Gender in Naming50292158.0%
6b596690Women's and Men's Career Referents: How Gender Composition and Comparison Level Shape Career Expectations4984116.3%
0243m1dhPaid Family Leave in California: New Research Findings46143230.4%
9kt5537kDoes Household Food Security Affect Cognitive and Social Development of Kindergartners?44113325.0%
04k047s8Labor Supply, Wealth Dynamics, and Marriage Decisions43103323.3%
1wm303dgDependency, Democracy, and Infant Mortality: A Quantitative, Cross-National Analysis of Less Developed Countries43142932.6%
5n31064nQuarter Tables Revisited: Earlier Tables, Division of Labor in Table Construction, and Later Implementations in Analog Computers4283419.0%
7rf126kvWith (or Without) this Ring: Race, Ethnic, and Nativity Differences in the Demographic Significance of Cohabitation in Women’s Lives42113126.2%
8xm4q2q7Spatial Inequality, Neighborhood Mobility, and Residential Segregation4173417.1%
9th763q5Recent Trends in the Inheritance of Poverty and Family Structure4173417.1%
82n1b82vWhat Explains Race and Ethnic Variation in Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Nonmarital Fertility?39182146.2%
6rb716b0Measuring and Modelling Biodiversity from Space38221657.9%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.