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Open Access Publications from the University of California
Cover page of UCSB Restoration Register - March 2025

UCSB Restoration Register - March 2025


The Cheadle Center at UCSB manages more than 340 acres of open space between Ellwood Mesa and Goleta Slough, carrying out ecological restoration, research, and education projects at these sites. Characterized by a rich complex of oak woodland, coastal sage scrub, grassland, and wetland ecosystems, the area is known for its relatively high level of biodiversity. The Cheadle Center’s project sites and management areas serve to protect and strengthen the region’s ecology and ecosystems through habitat conservation, upland restoration, wetland creation and enhancement, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management solutions. Through careful integration with local watersheds and surrounding natural areas, The Cheadle Center's management areas provide an important corridor and refuge for wildlife, ensure the long term preservation of the region's natural resources, and serve as outdoor classrooms, research sites, and recreational areas for the campus community and the public. This archived version of the March 2024 newsletter includes updates on the Devereux Slough breach and Ellwood Marine Terminal restoration project. The feature story focuses on the outdoor education opportunities at the North Campus Open Space. Community photos include Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides), Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus), Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus), and more!

Cover page of Cheadle Center Collections & Biodiversity Newsletter

Cheadle Center Collections & Biodiversity Newsletter


Natural history collections serve as unique and vital records of life on Earth. At the Cheadle Center, the Collections & Biodiversity program investigates Earth's variety of life, encompassing species, ecosystems, and genetic differences, aiming to safeguard this diversity for the future. By integrating multiple disciplines like evolution, ecology, the study of living organisms, genetics, and the science of conserving species and habitats, we work toward understanding biodiversity on our changing planet.

Cover page of UCSB Restoration Register - January 2025

UCSB Restoration Register - January 2025


The Cheadle Center at UCSB manages more than 340 acres of open space between Ellwood Mesa and Goleta Slough, carrying out ecological restoration, research, and education projects at these sites. Characterized by a rich complex of oak woodland, coastal sage scrub, grassland, and wetland ecosystems, the area is known for its relatively high level of biodiversity. The Cheadle Center’s project sites and management areas serve to protect and strengthen the region’s ecology and ecosystems through habitat conservation, upland restoration, wetland creation and enhancement, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management solutions. Through careful integration with local watersheds and surrounding natural areas, The Cheadle Center's management areas provide an important corridor and refuge for wildlife, ensure the long term preservation of the region's natural resources, and serve as outdoor classrooms, research sites, and recreational areas for the campus community and the public. This archived version of the March 2024 newsletter includes updates on the Ellwood Monarch Grove restoration, Campus Lagoon Sea Level Rise grant, and live water level monitoring in the Devereux Slough. The feature story focuses on the restoration of West Storke Wetland. Community photos include Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus), Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus), Redheads (Aythya americana), and more!

Cover page of UCSB Restoration Register - November 2024

UCSB Restoration Register - November 2024


The Cheadle Center at UCSB manages more than 340 acres of open space between Ellwood Mesa and Goleta Slough, carrying out ecological restoration, research, and education projects at these sites. Characterized by a rich complex of oak woodland, coastal sage scrub, grassland, and wetland ecosystems, the area is known for its relatively high level of biodiversity. The Cheadle Center’s project sites and management areas serve to protect and strengthen the region’s ecology and ecosystems through habitat conservation, upland restoration, wetland creation and enhancement, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management solutions. Through careful integration with local watersheds and surrounding natural areas, The Cheadle Center's management areas provide an important corridor and refuge for wildlife, ensure the long term preservation of the region's natural resources, and serve as outdoor classrooms, research sites, and recreational areas for the campus community and the public. This archived version of the March 2024 newsletter includes updates on Burrowing Owls at NCOS, Ellwood Marine Terminal restoration project, and student research projects. The feature story focuses on the urban nature of the North Campus Open Space restoration project. Community photos include Green-winged teal (Anas carolinensis), Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii), American Kestrel (Falco sparverius), and more!

Cover page of UCSB Restoration Register - September 2024

UCSB Restoration Register - September 2024


The Cheadle Center at UCSB manages more than 340 acres of open space between Ellwood Mesa and Goleta Slough, carrying out ecological restoration, research, and education projects at these sites. Characterized by a rich complex of oak woodland, coastal sage scrub, grassland, and wetland ecosystems, the area is known for its relatively high level of biodiversity. The Cheadle Center’s project sites and management areas serve to protect and strengthen the region’s ecology and ecosystems through habitat conservation, upland restoration, wetland creation and enhancement, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management solutions. Through careful integration with local watersheds and surrounding natural areas, The Cheadle Center's management areas provide an important corridor and refuge for wildlife, ensure the long term preservation of the region's natural resources, and serve as outdoor classrooms, research sites, and recreational areas for the campus community and the public. This archived version of the September 2024 newsletter includes updates on the Campus Lagoon Prescribed Burn, Oak Group at NCOS, and Sheep grazing on the NCOS Mesa. The feature story focuses on the transformation of the Ellwood butterfly grove. Community photos include White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi), Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus), and more!

Cover page of UCSB Restoration Register - July 2024

UCSB Restoration Register - July 2024


The Cheadle Center at UCSB manages more than 340 acres of open space between Ellwood Mesa and Goleta Slough, carrying out ecological restoration, research, and education projects at these sites. Characterized by a rich complex of oak woodland, coastal sage scrub, grassland, and wetland ecosystems, the area is known for its relatively high level of biodiversity. The Cheadle Center’s project sites and management areas serve to protect and strengthen the region’s ecology and ecosystems through habitat conservation, upland restoration, wetland creation and enhancement, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management solutions. Through careful integration with local watersheds and surrounding natural areas, The Cheadle Center's management areas provide an important corridor and refuge for wildlife, ensure the long term preservation of the region's natural resources, and serve as outdoor classrooms, research sites, and recreational areas for the campus community and the public. This archived version of the July 2024 newsletter includes updates on the Tidewater Goby Fish Survey, Ellwood Marine Terminal Restoration Project, Salt Marsh Bird's Beak, and Gopher Snakes. The feature story focuses on educational signage at Cheadle Center management areas. Community photos include Anna's Hummingbird(Calypte anna), Orange-crowned Warbler (Leiothlypis celata), Hooded Oriole (Icterus cucullatus), and more!

Cover page of Cheadle Center Collections & Biodiversity Newsletter - May 2024

Cheadle Center Collections & Biodiversity Newsletter - May 2024


Natural history collections serve as unique and vital records of life on Earth. At the Cheadle Center, the Collections & Biodiversity program investigates Earth's variety of life, encompassing species, ecosystems, and genetic differences, aiming to safeguard this diversity for the future. By integrating multiple disciplines like evolution, ecology, the study of living organisms, genetics, and the science of conserving species and habitats, we work toward understanding biodiversity on our changing planet.

Cover page of UCSB Restoration Register - May 2024

UCSB Restoration Register - May 2024


The Cheadle Center at UCSB manages more than 340 acres of open space between Ellwood Mesa and Goleta Slough, carrying out ecological restoration, research, and education projects at these sites. Characterized by a rich complex of oak woodland, coastal sage scrub, grassland, and wetland ecosystems, the area is known for its relatively high level of biodiversity. The Cheadle Center’s project sites and management areas serve to protect and strengthen the region’s ecology and ecosystems through habitat conservation, upland restoration, wetland creation and enhancement, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management solutions. Through careful integration with local watersheds and surrounding natural areas, The Cheadle Center's management areas provide an important corridor and refuge for wildlife, ensure the long term preservation of the region's natural resources, and serve as outdoor classrooms, research sites, and recreational areas for the campus community and the public. This archived version of the March 2024 newsletter includes updates on the Ellwood Bioblitz, Spring weeding efforts, Wildflowers, Rare Plants, and the Ocean Meadows Housing Project. The feature story focuses on the presetations and research conducted at Cheadle Center management areas. Community photos include Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis), Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator), Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia), and more!

Cover page of UCSB Restoration Register - March 2024

UCSB Restoration Register - March 2024


The Cheadle Center at UCSB manages more than 340 acres of open space between Ellwood Mesa and Goleta Slough, carrying out ecological restoration, research, and education projects at these sites. Characterized by a rich complex of oak woodland, coastal sage scrub, grassland, and wetland ecosystems, the area is known for its relatively high level of biodiversity. The Cheadle Center’s project sites and management areas serve to protect and strengthen the region’s ecology and ecosystems through habitat conservation, upland restoration, wetland creation and enhancement, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management solutions. Through careful integration with local watersheds and surrounding natural areas, The Cheadle Center's management areas provide an important corridor and refuge for wildlife, ensure the long term preservation of the region's natural resources, and serve as outdoor classrooms, research sites, and recreational areas for the campus community and the public. This archived version of the March 2024 newsletter includes updates on wildlfowers, Ellwood Marine Terminal restoration, and the Ocean Meadows housing project. The feature story focuses on Genetic Diversity and California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica). Community photos include Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), and more!

Cover page of UCSB Restoration Register - January 2024

UCSB Restoration Register - January 2024


The Cheadle Center at UCSB manages more than 340 acres of open space between Ellwood Mesa and Goleta Slough, carrying out ecological restoration, research, and education projects at these sites. Characterized by a rich complex of oak woodland, coastal sage scrub, grassland, and wetland ecosystems, the area is known for its relatively high level of biodiversity. The Cheadle Center’s project sites and management areas serve to protect and strengthen the region’s ecology and ecosystems through habitat conservation, upland restoration, wetland creation and enhancement, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management solutions. Through careful integration with local watersheds and surrounding natural areas, The Cheadle Center's management areas provide an important corridor and refuge for wildlife, ensure the long term preservation of the region's natural resources, and serve as outdoor classrooms, research sites, and recreational areas for the campus community and the public. This archived version of the March 2024 newsletter includes updates on the NCOS Mesa burn area and Ventura Marsh Milk Vetch. The feature story focuses on the Sierra Madre restoration area. Community photos include Bonaparte's Gull (Chroicocephalus philadelphia), American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), Orange-crowned Warbler (Vermivora celata) and more!