Bourns College of Engineering

Parent: UC Riverside

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1vf7j52pIMU Error Modeling Tutorial: INS state estimation with real-time sensor calibration949758747.9%
17h254mpElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS): Principles, Construction, and Biosensing Applications586355516.0%
79c880vfTowards Environmentally Equitable AI via Geographical Load Balancing2262819812.4%
8606f22rOn the Correctness of Metadata-Based SBOM Generation: A Differential Analysis Approach182849846.2%
5fz350d7Performance analysis of the subspace method for blind channel identification15401540.0%
8rk2x6pjA chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome1471252285.0%
9td7006dEnd-to-End Navigation in Unknown Environments using Neural Networks14451393.5%
81f38826Superconducting quantum circuits at the surface code threshold for fault tolerance1221510712.3%
0683322sDomain adaptation in small-scale and heterogeneous biological datasets.11421121.8%
96f7z9scOperating Electric Vehicle Fleet for Ride-Hailing Services With Reinforcement Learning110347630.9%
0tc2n9jcA Qualitative Analysis of Vehicle Positioning Requirements for Connected Vehicle Applications108129611.1%
1mc5c0z5Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Fuel Consumption Modeling Based on Road Load and Power Train Parameters108129611.1%
2bt8n2ssChemStor: Using Formal Methods To Guarantee Safe Storage and Disposal of Chemicals1089998.3%
0mt1g0qdHybrid LSTM and Encoder–Decoder Architecture for Detection of Image Forgeries984944.1%
8v30380qThe Potential to Build Current Natural Gas Infrastructure to Accommodate the Future Conversion to Near-Zero Transportation Technology94167817.0%
0s12j9kmThe effect of liquid hot water pretreatment on the chemical-structural alteration and the reduced recalcitrance in poplar938858.6%
031016zdFormation of 3D Self‐Organized Neuron‐Glial Interface Derived from Neural Stem Cells via Mechano‐Electrical Stimulation929839.8%
1dp3k5njEmission Rates of Particulate Matter and Elemental and Organic Carbon from In-Use Diesel Engines91217023.1%
1j3892jxAssessing the Impacts of Ethanol and Isobutanol on Gaseous and Particulate Emissions from Flexible Fuel Vehicles885835.7%
6258h0jq25th Anniversary Article: Semiconductor Nanowires – Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications88622670.5%
46k2g8ddCu <sub>2</sub> O Photocathode with Faster Charge Transfer by Fully Reacted Cu Seed Layer to Enhance Performance of Hydrogen Evolution in Solar Water Splitting Applications86127414.0%
4bk998vsMeasurements of I/SVOCs in biomass-burning smoke using solid-phase extraction disks and two-dimensional gas chromatography854814.7%
67j6t77fLow concordance of multiple variant-calling pipelines: practical implications for exome and genome sequencing842822.4%
20d914dsDegradation of Perfluoroalkyl Ether Carboxylic Acids with Hydrated Electrons: Structure–Reactivity Relationships and Environmental Implications838759.6%
7gt0h7d3Efficient Direct Recycling of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes by Targeted Healing81483359.3%
89j1q95qNonlocal pseudopotential energy density functional for orbital-free density functional theory813783.7%
6gv9741cA photon thermal diode801791.3%
59d673dqEmission Measurements from a Crude Oil Tanker at Sea79205925.3%
5qt468btTITER: predicting translation initiation sites by deep learning793763.8%
0481538fHeterostructured materials: superior properties from hetero-zone interaction78601876.9%
0036f4tgGaussian accelerated molecular dynamics (GaMD): principles and applications.77166120.8%
4jm384wgPeople Tracking in Camera Networks: Three Open Questions777709.1%
34n9j3njDistributed Multi-agent Video Fast-forwarding763733.9%
4hr7k3fdContrasting size-resolved hygroscopicity of fine particles derived by HTDMA and HR-ToF-AMS measurements between summer and winter in Beijing: the impacts of aerosol aging and local emissions762742.6%
2wj3d863Reinforcement Learning for Hybrid and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Management: Recent Advances and Prospects75561974.7%
4f88m75kBest Practices for Surveying and Mapping Roadways and Intersections for Connected Vehicle Applications74155920.3%
75r22532A Characterization of Hard-to-Cover CSPs.740740.0%
0th8v0p9Transparent nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized-zirconia calvarium prosthesis7386511.0%
3f33t5dnChronic Brain Imaging Across a Transparent Nanocrystalline Yttria-Stabilized-Zirconia Cranial Implant733704.1%
5rc9x6bdImpact of olefin content on criteria and toxic emissions from modern gasoline vehicles723694.2%
7sc2j8vjVan der Waals engineering of ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructures for spin and valleytronics720720.0%
2x14723rOn Huang and Wong’s algorithm for generalized binary split trees713684.2%
6gk90087I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNSS Limitations with Cellular Signals71462564.8%
9vk5x6msReducing Microfluidic Very Large-Scale Integration (mVLSI) Chip Area by Seam Carving713684.2%
7tk855qhCooperative Ramp Merging System: Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation Using Game Engine70581282.9%
8qf2g29pPersistent radical anion polymers based on naphthalenediimide and a vinylene spacer703674.3%
1n482770Physical, chemical, and toxicological characteristics of particulate emissions from current technology gasoline direct injection vehicles69214830.4%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.