California Agriculture

Parent: UC Agriculture & Natural Resources

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
33x909vgTrump and U.S. immigration policy738174146152266
39q7n71bCollege students identify university support for basic needs and life skills as key ingredient in addressing food insecurity on campus4021159881108
2078m8m1In vitro gas production provides effective method for assessing ruminant feeds23552715854
8m63670pCommunity and home gardens increase vegetable intake and food security of residents in San Jose, California22149493489
9p8710qtCalifornia has 882,000 farmworkers to fill 413,000 jobs182212126114
6161d89hCosts of mandatory cannabis testing in California15642424428
7b76w65xThe potential threat of branched broomrape for California processing tomato: A review15044484018
9db933pgManagement of blue gum eucalyptus in California requires region-specific consideration14630324242
3qt5n6t1How many workers are employed in California agriculture?13833432933
6kr66558For California perennial crops facing climate change, water use stays stable while planting density increases13125233944
3cf6r40vCattle grazing reduces fuel and leads to more manageable fire behavior13034223836
4cd871pbJob satisfaction assessments of agricultural workers help employers improve the work environment and reduce turnover12835233436
2tc8k3gcPheromone mating disruption offers selective management options for key pests12738263033
45k0r4h0Ecological transitions at the Salton Sea: Past, present and future12632342931
5qk7q93pThe CALeDNA program: Citizen scientists and researchers inventory California’s biodiversity12340283619
1w35042wNo-tillage, surface residue retention, and cover crops improved San Joaquin Valley soil health in the long term11629312630
29d705xwForest biomass diversion in the Sierra Nevada: Energy, economics and emissions11434191150
0bn0g8gsNative bees are a rich natural resource in urban California gardens10826342622
07r9t5j5The drying Salton Sea and asthma: A perspective on a “natural” disaster10724172244
4b0204fhWhen “new” crops are not really new: California Indigenous communities and research and commercialization of elderberry10617292634
10w9g586Growers say cannabis legalization excludes small growers, supports illicit markets, undermines local economies10036172720
4pv4k5pjProposed changes to the H-2A program would affect labor costs in the United States and California10041241322
0kb4505kN2O emissions from California farmlands: A review9927183618
3xk426nhRural Latino families in California are missing earned income tax benefits9525282121
4cg3g2cfNo-tillage and high-residue practices reduce soil water evaporation9545191417
7w16n0gmEradication costs calculated . . . Red imported fire ants threaten agriculture, wildlife and homes9527181535
4c1921nmAccounting for potassium and magnesium in irrigation water quality assessment9326291919
9b60f129Groundwater models through stakeholders' eyes: Evaluating benefits, challenges, and lessons for SGMA implementation93183540
7qr2x0q4Tomato pomace may be a good source of vitamin E in broiler diets9127251524
1289v8ffCalifornia teachers support the Nutrition Competencies — new nutrition instruction guidelines9019212921
24v0q1sjSoil suitability index identifies potential areas for groundwater banking on agricultural lands9026182521
1772206fFarming and ranching through wildfire: Producers' critical role in fire risk management and emergency response8888
3bn597vjSupporting evidence varies for rangeland management practices that seek to improve soil properties and forage production in California8818331918
7kz1r9cvCost-benefit analysis conducted for nutrition education in California8637181219
8br2r9k9Microbiome interactions and their ecological implications at the Salton Sea8525191625
6hh071zjSeniors, and their food handlers and caregivers, need food safety and nutrition education8410143921
0fh0f812Monensin supplementation increases weight gain in stocker steers, but higher doses reduce essential mineral intake8222232314
9bs900wjWell-placed bat houses can attract bats to Central Valley farms8221281815
63f8q9rcClosing the extension gap: Information and communication technology in sustainable agriculture8119131732
8nr0q421Recent blue oak mortality on Sierra Nevada foothill rangelands may be linked to drought, climate change8119251918
3q67b3xnCannabis farmers or criminals? Enforcement-first approaches fuel disparity and hinder regulation8020221919
5rd5g1x4Optimal timing for fava bean planting, pod harvesting, and termination in Northern California8014154011
5w32s57dCarbon farming can enhance pollinator resources802726207
79k913pkVineyard floor management affects soil, plant nutrition, and grape yield and quality7920272210
64z229kwLiquid baits control Argentine ants sustainably in coastal vineyards782230215
0bz6g817Climate change will exacerbate California’s insect pest problems7628162012
7d03j01dRemote sensing is a viable tool for mapping soil salinity in agricultural lands7517251815
0nd635zpCooperative, cross-boundary management facilitates large-scale ecosystem restoration efforts7418192314
62z096ffRobotic strawberry harvest is promising but will need improved technology and higher wages to be economically viable7423171816
2kg6r3brSetting research and extension priorities for agronomic crops in California7326171713

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.