The dynamins are recently discovered GTP-binding proteins postulated to mediate the scission of clathrin-coated vesicles at the plasma membrane. Of the three known mammalian dynamins, dynamin-1 (DNM1) appears to be particularly important for the formation of synaptic vesicles at presynaptic nerve termini. To investigate the possibility that mutations in the DNM1 gene cause a human disease, we determined the chromosomal localization of human DNM1. We conclude from fluorescence in situ hybridization and from the analysis of somatic cell hybrids that the map position in 9q34. This region has syntenic homology with mouse chromosome 2p, in agreement with the map position of the mouse DNM1 gene [see accompanying article by Klocke et al. (1997, Genomics 41:290-292)]. We discuss the potential relevance of the human DNM1 localization to diseases that were mapped genetically to the same chromosomal region.