- Tommasini, Davide;
- Bermudez, Susana Izquierdo;
- Bordini, Bernardo;
- Bottura, Luca;
- Brower, Lucas;
- Buzio, Marco;
- Caiffi, Barbara;
- Caspi, Shlomo;
- Dhalle, Marc;
- Durante, Maria;
- deRijk, Gijs;
- Arbelaez, Diego;
- Fabbricatore, Pasquale;
- Farinon, Stefania;
- Ferracin, Paolo;
- Gao, Peng;
- Gourlay, Steve;
- Juchno, Mariusz;
- Kashikhin, Vadim;
- Lackner, Friedrich;
- Lorin, Clement;
- Marchevsky, Maxim;
- Auchmann, Bernhard;
- Marinozzi, Vittorio;
- Martinez, Teresa;
- Munilla, Javier;
- Novitski, Igor;
- Ogitsu, Toru;
- Ortwein, Rafal;
- Perez, Juan Carlos;
- Petrone, Carlo;
- Prestemon, Soren;
- Prioli, Marco;
- Bajas, Hugues;
- Rifflet, Jean-Michel;
- Rochepault, Etienne;
- Russenschuck, Stephan;
- Salmi, Tiina;
- Savary, Frederic;
- Schoerling, Daniel;
- Segreti, Michel;
- Senatore, Carmine;
- Sorbi, Massimo;
- Stenvall, Antti;
- Bajko, Marta;
- Todesco, Ezio;
- Toral, Fernando;
- Verweij, Arjan P;
- Wessel, Sander;
- Wolf, Felix;
- Zlobin, Alexander V;
- Ballarino, Amalia;
- Barzi, Emanuela;
- Bellomo, Giovanni;
- Benedikt, Michael
A next step of energy increase of hadron colliders beyond the LHC requires high-field superconducting magnets capable of providing a dipolar field in the range of 16 T in a 50-mm aperture with accelerator quality. These characteristics could meet the requirements for an upgrade of the LHC to twice the present beam energy or for a 100-TeV center of mass energy future circular collider. This paper summarizes the activities and plans for the development of these magnets, in particular within the 16 T Magnet Technology Program, the WP5 of the EuroCirCol, and the U.S. Magnet Development Program.