Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is required to maintain the function of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway required for bulk ATP synthesis. Mitochondrial dysfunction results from loss-of-function (mtDNA) maintenance proteins, and results in human pathologies such as cancer, cardiovascular, inflammatory, and neurological disorders. In this project, we report findings related to enzymes involved in mtDNA repair, replication, and degradation to gather better understanding of their function, interactions, and roles.First, we aimed to establish kinetic details of mitochondrial genome maintenance nuclease MGME1 to explain its previously reported bidirectional exonuclease activity and possible role in mtDNA replication. We found that in addition to preferential binding to a 5'-phosphate end, MGME1 prefers to degrade in the 5' to 3' direction, supporting its previous reports that it is a core participant in the mitochondrial replisome, where it aids mitochondrial polymerase γ, which only carries 3' to 5' exonuclease function.
Next, we investigated the modulation of base-excision repair (BER) enzymes by TFAM. In mitochondria, mtDNA is often subject to exogenous and endogenous agents which can introduce DNA. We studied the effects of TFAM-DNA compaction on three glycosylases related to mitochondrial BER: uracil deglycosylase (UNG1), alkyladenine deglycosylase (AAG), and 8-oxoguanine deglycosylase (OGG1). We found that only UNG1 activity is stimulated by TFAM. Inclusion of AP endonuclease 1 (APE1), the enzyme that follows after the glycosylase excision in BER, reveals that TFAM also aided in generating strand-breaks in addition to simulation, overall illustrating a multi-layer regulation of mtDNA repair.
Finally, we probed the modulation of mtDNA degradation nucleases MGME1 and flap endonuclease 1 FEN1 by mtDNA replication enzymes TFAM and mitochondrial single-stranded binding protein (mtSSB). MGME1 and FEN1 are reported to aid in degradation and release of oxidized mtDNA but the mechanism for degradation is unclear. Here, we report preliminary findings that may explain certain fragmentation patterns of products released as well as the tight control between discarding and maintaining mtDNA.
Together these findings provide critical information from a biochemical perspective that improves our current understanding of mtDNA maintenance. In efforts to demystify enzymes involved in key steps in repair, replication, and degradation, we have found details that contribute to the broader scientific knowledge of mitochondrial genome maintenance, which by extension aids comprehension of mitochondrial and cellular health and function.