We have tested a new genetic marker, RADES Probing (RADES-P), on a standard sample of 19 laboratory-cloned stocks of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. This set of stocks, fully characterized using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), is representative of this parasite's main genetic subdivisions. RADES-P consists in hybridizing RAPD profiles with probes composed of the products of random amplified differentially expressed sequences (RADES). The profiles thus obtained uncover only expressed coding sequences that are as well present on RAPD gels. Direct visual examination and the banding record show that these RADES-P profiles are different of, and not redundant with, both RAPD and RADES patterns obtained on the same set of stocks with the same primers. Phylogenetic character mapping (PCM) of the RADES-P polymorphism fairly confirms the known population structure and phylogenetic diversity of T. cruzi. This suggests that the impact of clonal evolution on T. cruzi has been predominant enough over the long term to carve the polymorphism of all types of DNA sequences, including polymorphisms of expressed coding sequences, although these sequences are subject to natural selection.