- Zammit, Matthew;
- Kao, Chien-Min;
- Zhang, Hannah;
- Tsai, Hsiu-Ming;
- Holderman, Nathanial;
- Mitchell, Samuel;
- Tanios, Eve;
- Bhuiyan, Mohammed;
- Freifelder, Richard;
- Kucharski, Anna;
- Green, William;
- Mukherjee, Jogeshwar;
- Chen, Chin-Tu
Positron emission tomography (PET) radioligands that bind with high-affinity to α4β2-type nicotinic receptors (α4β2Rs) allow for in vivo investigations of the mechanisms underlying nicotine addiction and smoking cessation. Here, we investigate the use of an image-derived arterial input function and the cerebellum for kinetic analysis of radioligand binding in mice. Two radioligands were explored: 2-[18F]FA85380 (2-FA), displaying similar pKa and binding affinity to the smoking cessation drug varenicline (Chantix), and [18F]Nifene, displaying similar pKa and binding affinity to nicotine. Time-activity curves of the left ventricle of the heart displayed similar distribution across wild type mice, mice lacking the β2-subunit for ligand binding, and acute nicotine-treated mice, whereas reference tissue binding displayed high variation between groups. Binding potential estimated from a two-tissue compartment model fit of the data with the image-derived input function were higher than estimates from reference tissue-based estimations. Rate constants of radioligand dissociation were very slow for 2-FA and very fast for Nifene. We conclude that using an image-derived input function for kinetic modeling of nicotinic PET ligands provides suitable results compared to reference tissue-based methods and that the chemical properties of 2-FA and Nifene are suitable to study receptor response to nicotine addiction and smoking cessation therapies.