We introduce and investigate matrix approximation by decomposition into a sum
of radial basis function (RBF) components. An RBF component is a generalization
of the outer product between a pair of vectors, where an RBF function replaces
the scalar multiplication between individual vector elements. Even though the
RBF functions are positive definite, the summation across components is not
restricted to convex combinations and allows us to compute the decomposition
for any real matrix that is not necessarily symmetric or positive definite. We
formulate the problem of seeking such a decomposition as an optimization
problem with a nonlinear and non-convex loss function. Several modern versions
of the gradient descent method, including their scalable stochastic
counterparts, are used to solve this problem. We provide extensive empirical
evidence of the effectiveness of the RBF decomposition and that of the
gradient-based fitting algorithm. While being conceptually motivated by
singular value decomposition (SVD), our proposed nonlinear counterpart
outperforms SVD by drastically reducing the memory required to approximate a
data matrix with the same L2 error for a wide range of matrix types. For
example, it leads to 2 to 6 times memory save for Gaussian noise, graph
adjacency matrices, and kernel matrices. Moreover, this proximity-based
decomposition can offer additional interpretability in applications that
involve, e.g., capturing the inner low-dimensional structure of the data,
retaining graph connectivity structure, and preserving the acutance of images.