- Guenther, Alex;
- Hewitt, C Nicholas;
- Erickson, David;
- Fall, Ray;
- Geron, Chris;
- Graedel, Tom;
- Harley, Peter;
- Klinger, Lee;
- Lerdau, Manuel;
- Mckay, WA;
- Pierce, Tom;
- Scholes, Bob;
- Steinbrecher, Rainer;
- Tallamraju, Raja;
- Taylor, John;
- Zimmerman, Pat
Numerical assessments of global air quality and potential changes in atmospheric chemical constituents require estimates of the surface fluxes of a variety of trace gas species. We have developed a global model to estimate emissions of volatile organic compounds from natural sources (NVOC). Chemical species are grouped into four categories: isoprene, monoterpenes, other reactive VOC (ORVOC), and other VOC (OVOC). NVOC emissions from oceans are estimated as a function of geophysical variables from a general circulation model and ocean color satellite data. Emissions from plant foliage are estimated from ecosystem specific biomass and emission factors and algorithms describing light and temperature dependence of NVOC emissions. -from Authors