This thesis describes multiple radiation detection experiments with noble elements, primarily xenon and helium.
Liquid xenon represents the preeminent target material for direct detection of dark matter in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). Evidence of dark matter is a prime indicator of physics beyond the standard model, and its detection is highly anticipated in the field of fundamental physics.
I first describe dark matter searches with the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) liquid xenon time projection chamber. The analysis of so-called ``accidental coincidence'' backgrounds in LZ is explained, especially focusing on the ionization-only component of these pathological events. The successful efforts taken to render this potentially paralyzing background to a subdominant level in LZ's first science run, which yielded world-leading WIMP sensitivity, are presented. Next, I detail a novel search for dark matter in the form of Multiply Interacting Massive Particles (MIMPs) with the same set of data, which also achieves world-leading sensitivity at ultra-heavy ($\sim$10$^{17}$~GeV) dark matter masses.
Then, I discuss development of the Helium Roton Apparatus for Dark Matter (HeRALD), a conceived experiment for low mass dark matter detection with superfluid helium. I detail the experimental characterization of light yield from radiation in superfluid helium below the MeV scale. I also introduce a novel low energy (24~keV) iron-filtered $^{124}$Sb$^{9}$Be neutron source assembly for calibration of low energy nuclear recoil detectors, which can be used to further the campaign to develop superfluid helium as a detector for dark matter with masses below 1~GeV/c$^2$. I describe characterization of the neutron source with a hydrogen gas proportional counter and NaI detector, and demonstrate the detection of low energy neutrons from the source with liquid scintillator.
Finally, I describe the development of $^4$He as a target for neutron detection for nuclear security applications. The design of a compact and portable detector filled with argon-doped $^{4}$He gas is detailed. An array of silicon photomultipliers measures scintillation in the detector. Simultaneous read out of the 300 channels is accomplished with a pixelated time-to-digital converter system called LightPix, developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Design of the detector, preliminary testing of the read-out, and planned data campaigns are described. Future paths for this detector development are discussed alongside considerations of the relevance to nuclear safeguard applications.
Significant progress on each of these experiments is described in this thesis, and each experiment continues beyond the work described here. LZ is collecting further data and refining analyses to probe dark matter even more sensitively than the world-leading limits of the initial science run. The HeRALD campaign will seek to measure scintillation of superfluid helium to yet lower recoil energies than those described here, and to study other signal channels as well. With the initial design and assembly of the $^4$He-filled neutron detector complete, commissioning is underway and early data expected in short time.