Ameloblastic carcinoma is a malignant odontogenic neoplasm that has been reported only rarely in veterinary species. A 16-y-old Arabian crossbred mare was presented for evaluation of a hard mass on the body of the mandible, with evidence of osteolysis on radiographs. Incisional biopsies revealed an invasive neoplasm comprised of spindloid epithelial cells with a high mitotic count and partial dual cytokeratin-vimentin immunoreactivity. The horse was euthanized because of rapid tumor progression 3 mo after presentation. Postmortem evaluation revealed partial obliteration of the mandible by a large, firm-to-hard, tan, locally destructive and invasive mass with no gross or histologic evidence of metastasis. Postmortem histology revealed a poorly differentiated epithelial neoplasm with variably prominent features suggestive of odontogenic histogenesis: a plexiform ribbon architecture, infrequent basilar palisading with antibasilar nuclei, rare basilar cytoplasmic clearing, subepithelial matrix hyalinization, and partial dual cytokeratin-vimentin immunoreactivity. Features of malignancy included regions of necrosis, pronounced cellular atypia, a high mitotic count, extensive tissue invasion and local tissue destruction, and extension of neoplastic cells beyond the margins of the mandibular bone. Collectively, these features are most consistent with mandibular ameloblastic carcinoma. Including our case described here, ameloblastic carcinoma has been reported in only 5 horses. The microscopic features reported most consistently are dual cytokeratin-vimentin immunoreactivity, a high mitotic count, and basilar palisading. Ameloblastic carcinoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis for rapidly growing, locally invasive masses arising from the dentate jaw of horses.