In this study, global (50°S-50°N) distribution of water vapor is investigated using COSMIC GPS RO measurements. Detailed comparisons have been made between COSMIC and high resolution GPS radiosonde measurements across 13 tropical stations and model outputs (ERA-Interim, NCEP, and JRA-25 reanalyses data sets). In comparison with independent techniques like radiosonde (Väisälä), it is found that COSMIC GPS RO wet profiles are accurate up to 7-8. km (assuming radiosonde as standard technique). In general, comparisons with corresponding seasonal means of model outputs are qualitatively in good agreement, although they differ quantitatively especially over convective regions of South America, Africa, and Indonesia. In tropical latitudes, the COSMIC specific humidity values are higher than the model outputs. Among various model outputs, ERA-Interim data set show near realistic features to that observed by COSMIC GPS RO measurements. Large asymmetry in the specific humidity distribution is observed between northern and southern hemispheres. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.