To extend organoactinide chemistry beyond uranium, reported here is the first structurally characterized transuranic hydrocarbyl complex, Np[η4 -Me2 NC(H)C6 H5 ]3 (1), from reaction of NpCl4 (DME)2 with four equivalents of K[Me2 NC(H)C6 H5 ]. Unlike the UIII species, the neptunium analogue can be used to access other NpIII complexes. The reaction of 1 with three equivalents of HE2 C(2,6-Mes2 -C6 H3 ) (E=O, S) yields [(2,6-Mes2 -C6 H3 )CE2 ]3 Np(THF)2 , maintaining the trivalent oxidation state.