- Santamarina, C;
- Muiño, P Conde;
- dos Anjos, A;
- Armstrong, S;
- Baines, JTM;
- Bee, CP;
- Biglietti, M;
- Bozaerts, JA;
- Bosman, M;
- Caron, B;
- Casado, P;
- Cataldi, G;
- Cavalli, D;
- Comune, G;
- Crone, G;
- Damazio, D;
- De, A Santo;
- Momez, M Diaz;
- Di Mattia, A;
- Ellis, N;
- Emeliyanov, D;
- Epp, B;
- Falciano, S;
- Garitaonandia, H;
- George, S;
- Mello, A Gesualdi;
- Ghete, V;
- Goncalo, R;
- Haller, J;
- Kabana, S;
- Khomich, A;
- Kilvington, G;
- Kirkc, J;
- Konstantinidis, N;
- Kootz, A;
- Lankford, AJ;
- Lowe, A;
- Luminari, L;
- Maeno, T;
- Masik, J;
- Meessen, C;
- Moore, R;
- Morettini, P;
- Negri, A;
- Nikitin, N;
- Nisati, A;
- Osuna, C;
- Padilla, C;
- Panikashvili, N;
- Parodi, F;
- Pasqualucci, E;
- Reale, V Perez;
- Pinfold, JL;
- Pinto, P;
- Qian, Z;
- Resconi, S;
- Rosati, S;
- Sanchez, C;
- Scannicchio, DA;
- Schiavi, C;
- Segura, E;
- de Seixas, JM;
- Sivoklokov, S;
- Sobreira, A;
- Soluk, R;
- Stefanidis, E;
- Sushkov, S;
- Sutton, M;
- Tapprogge, S;
- Tarem, S;
- Thomas, E;
- Touchard, F;
- Usai, G;
- Pintoc, B Venda;
- Ventura, A;
- Vercesi, V;
- Wengler, T;
- Werner, P;
- Wheeler, SJ;
- Wickens, FJ;
- Wiedenmann, W;
- Wielers, M;
- Zobernig, G
ATLAS is one of the four LHC experiments that will start data taking in 2007, designed to cover a wide range of physics topics. The ATLAS trigger system has to cope with a rate of 40 MHz and 23 interactions per bunch crossing. It is divided in three different levels. The first one (hardware based) provides a signature that is confirmed by the the following trigger levels (software based) by running a sequence of algorithms and validating the signal step by step, looking only to the region of the space indicated by the first trigger level (seeding). In this presentation, the performance of one of these sequences that run at the Event Filter level (third level) and is composed of clustering at the calorimeter, track reconstruction and matching, will be presented. © 2005 IEEE.