- Augier, C;
- Barabash, AS;
- Bellini, F;
- Benato, G;
- Beretta, M;
- Bergé, L;
- Billard, J;
- Borovlev, Yu A;
- Cardani, L;
- Casali, N;
- Cazes, A;
- Chapellier, M;
- Chiesa, D;
- Dafinei, I;
- Danevich, FA;
- Jesus, M De;
- Marcillac, P de;
- Dixon, T;
- Dumoulin, L;
- Eitel, K;
- Ferri, F;
- Fujikawa, BK;
- Gascon, J;
- Gironi, L;
- Giuliani, A;
- Grigorieva, VD;
- Gros, M;
- Helis, DL;
- Huang, HZ Huang R;
- Imbert, L;
- Johnston, J;
- Juillard, A;
- Khalife, H;
- Kleifges, M;
- Kobychev, VV;
- Kolomensky, Yu G;
- Konovalov, SI;
- Loaiza, P;
- Ma, L;
- Makarov, EP;
- Mariam, R;
- Marini, L;
- Marnieros, S;
- Navick, X-F;
- Nones, C;
- Norman, EB;
- Olivieri, E;
- Ouellet, JL;
- Pagnanini, L;
- Pattavina, L;
- Paul, B;
- Pavan, M;
- Peng, H;
- Pessina, G;
- Pirro, S;
- Poda, DV;
- Polischuk, OG;
- Pozzi, S;
- Previtali, E;
- Redon, Th;
- Rojas, A;
- Rozov, S;
- Sanglard, V;
- Scarpaci, JA;
- Schmidt, B;
- Shen, Y;
- Shlegel, VN;
- Singh, V;
- Tomei, C;
- Tretyak, VI;
- Umatov, VI;
- Vagneron, L;
- Velázquez, M;
- Welliver, B;
- Winslow, L;
- Xue, M;
- Yakushev, E;
- Zarytskyy, M;
- Zolotarova, AS
The CUPID-Mo experiment to search for 0$
u\beta\beta$ decay in $^{100}$Mo
has been recently completed after about 1.5 years of operation at Laboratoire
Souterrain de Modane (France). It served as a demonstrator for CUPID, a next
generation 0$
u\beta\beta$ decay experiment. CUPID-Mo was comprised of 20
enriched Li$_2$$^{100}$MoO$_4$ scintillating calorimeters, each with a mass of
$\sim$ 0.2 kg, operated at $\sim$20 mK. We present here the final analysis with
the full exposure of CUPID-Mo ($^{100}$Mo exposure of 1.47 kg$\times$yr) used
to search for lepton number violation via 0$
u\beta\beta$ decay. We report on
various analysis improvements since the previous result on a subset of data,
reprocessing all data with these new techniques. We observe zero events in the
region of interest and set a new limit on the $^{100}$Mo 0$
u\beta\beta$ decay
half-life of $T^{0
u}_{1/2} > 1.8 \times 10^{24}$ year (stat.+syst.) at 90%
CI. Under the light Majorana neutrino exchange mechanism this corresponds to an
effective Majorana neutrino mass of $\left <
(0.28$--$0.49)$ eV, dependent upon the nuclear matrix element utilized.