Introduction: Orgasm is a significant indicator of fulfillment or the centerpiece of sex. Even though women are physiologically capable of experiencing multiple orgasms due to no refractory period, research has repeatedly shown that, in heterosexual sexual interactions, men experience orgasms more frequently than women. In many cultures, the talk of sex, orgasms, masturbation, self-exploration, or sexual pleasure is still outlawed or frowned upon. Sexual pleasure and satisfaction are inherent components of the human sexual experience; nevertheless, these fundamental aspects of sexuality are rarely highlighted in sexual education programs. Consequently, sexual dysfunction and sexual health are not addressed in clinical, educational, social, cultural, or personal settings.
Aim: The purpose of this project was to create orgasm awareness and to improve female sexual function and sexual assertiveness in women of reproductive, premenopausal, and menopausal age within a South-Asian women's organization.
Methods: A pre-and post-intervention design was utilized and included: 1) a single in-person/ live video conference two-hour sex education session covering the topics of female anatomy, orgasm, the gendered orgasm gap, and Kegel exercises training, 2) an informative infographic flyer designed for the attendees of the sex education session to view privately and 3) a follow-up phone call by the project leader during week two meant to answer queries and reinforce teaching. Orgasm awareness and sexual assertiveness were measured using the Female Sexual Function Index-Modified (FSFI-Modified) scale and Sexual Assertiveness Questionnaire (SAQ).
Results: After eight weeks, sexual assertiveness, as measured by SAQ, increased from M=86.68 to M=93.92 (p=0.002) in the in-person intervention group and M=79.19 to M=86.52 (p=0.005) in the video-conference intervention group. After eight weeks, FSFI-Modified improved from 40.6 to 43.28 (p=0.09) for the in-person intervention group. In the video-conference intervention group, the overall FSFI-Modified scores at eight weeks significantly enhanced from 33.29 to 38.24 (p=0.05). Participants reported, “I wish I had learned about all this 20 years ago!”
Implication and Conclusion: In this population of South-Asian women with a conservative cultural background, which generally promotes modesty, the education session presented enhanced orgasm satisfaction and sexual assertiveness, thus positively affecting their lives and opening conversations within their families.