- Bandello, Francesco;
- Lanzetta, Paolo;
- Zur, Dinah;
- Park, Sung;
- Yu, Hyeong;
- Saravanan, V;
- Zacharias, Leandro;
- Barreira, Alan;
- Iglicki, Matias;
- Miassi, Fernando;
- Veritti, Daniele;
- Tsao, Sean;
- Makam, Deepika;
- Jain, Nidhee;
- Loewenstein, Anat;
- Sharma, Ashish;
- Kuppermann, Baruch
PURPOSE: To analyse the intraocular pressure rise after intravitreal dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex) amongst different geographic populations. METHODS: The medical charts of 294 dexamethasone implants between February 2011 and 2017 were reviewed retrospectively. South Asian (India), White (Europe, US and Israel) Latino (Argentina and Brazil) patient data was included in the study. Ocular hypertension (OHT) was defined as intraocular pressure of >25 mmHg or an increase of at least 10 mmHg from baseline. The main indications for treatment were diabetic macular edema (ME) (65.6%), retinal vein occlusion (26.5%), uveitis (7.8%). RESULTS: Amongst 294 intravitreal implants, ocular hypertension (>25 mmHg) was recorded in 0, 8 and 9.5% in White, Latino, and South Asian groups, respectively. However, IOP > 20 mmHg was recorded in 14%, 28% and 27% in White, Latino, and South Asian groups, respectively. Incidence of very high IOP (>35 mmHg) was lower in all geographical groups. It was 3% in Latino followed by 2% in South Asian group. CONCLUSION: Latino and South Asian groups have higher IOP rise compared to White population. Most patients with elevated IOP fluctuate between 20-25 mmHg.