- Lombardozzi, Danica;
- Wieder, William;
- Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen;
- Lai, Jiameng;
- Luo, Zhenqi;
- Sun, Ying;
- Simpson, Isla;
- Lawrence, David;
- Bonan, Gordon;
- Lin, Xin;
- Koven, Charles;
- Friedlingstein, Pierre;
- Lindsay, Keith
Observations show an increase in the seasonal cycle amplitude of CO2 in northern latitudes over the past half century. Although multiple drivers contribute, observations and inversion models cannot quantitatively account for the factors contributing to the increased CO2 amplitude and older versions of Earth System Models (ESMs) do not simulate it. Here we show that several current generation ESMs are closer to the observed CO2 amplitude and highlight that in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) agricultural nitrogen (N) fertilization increases CO2 amplitude by 1-3 ppm throughout the Northern Hemisphere and up to 9 ppm in agricultural hotspots. While agricultural N fertilization is the largest contributor to the enhanced amplitude (45%) in Northern Hemisphere land-atmosphere carbon fluxes in CESM, higher CO2 concentrations and warmer temperatures also contribute, though to a lesser extent (40% and 18% respectively). Our results emphasize the fundamental role of agricultural management in Northern Hemisphere carbon cycle feedbacks and illustrate that agricultural N fertilization should be considered in future carbon cycle simulations.