We develop a method to reconstruct, from measured displacements of an underlying elastic substrate, the spatially dependent forces that cells or tissues impart on it. Given newly available high-resolution images of substrate displacements, it is desirable to be able to reconstruct small-scale, compactly supported focal adhesions that are often localized and exist only within the footprint of a cell. In addition to the standard quadratic data mismatch terms that define least-squares fitting, we motivate a regularization term in the objective function that penalizes vectorial invariants of the reconstructed surface stress while preserving boundaries. We solve this inverse problem by providing a numerical method for setting up a discretized inverse problem that is solvable by standard convex optimization techniques. By minimizing the objective function subject to a number of important physically motivated constraints, we are able to efficiently reconstruct stress fields with localized structure from simulated and experimental substrate displacements. Our method incorporates the exact solution for a stress tensor accurate to first-order finite differences and motivates the use of distance-based cutoffs for data inclusion and problem sparsification.