- Wang, Xiaorong;
- Yahia, Anis Ben;
- Bosque, Ernesto;
- Ferracin, Paolo;
- Gourlay, Stephen;
- Gupta, Ramesh;
- Higley, Hugh;
- Kashikhin, Vadim;
- Kumar, Mithlesh;
- Lombardo, Vito;
- Marchevsky, Maxim;
- Teyber, Reed;
- Viarengo, Sofia
High-field superconducting magnets with a dipole field of 16 T and above
enable future energy-frontier circular particle colliders. Although we believe
these magnets can be built, none exists today. They can also be a showstopper
for future high-energy machines due to a prohibitively high price tag based on
the current conductor and magnet fabrication cost. The high-temperature
superconducting REBCO coated conductor can address both the technical and cost
issues, a silver bullet to lay both monsters to rest. The challenges and
unknowns, however, can be too arduous to make the silver bullet. We lay out a
potential road forward and suggest key action items. As a contribution from the
accelerator community, we attempt to clarify for our theorist and experimenter
colleagues a few aspects about the future high-field superconducting magnets.
We hope to stimulate an effective plan for the 2023 P5 process that can lead to
a cost-effective high-field magnet technology for future colliders and the
exciting physics they can steward.