Gallbladder cancer is a rare malignancy, which often goes undiagnosed until advanced stages of disease and is associated with poor prognosis. The only potentially curative treatment is surgical resection. This retrospective study aims to investigate the validity of the revised 7th edition American Joint Committee on Cancer staging criteria and determine prognostic factors. Forty-two patients with confirmed gallbladder cancer who underwent attempted curative resection from 1999 to 2012 at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center were reviewed. Survival probability was determined using the Kaplan-Meier method. Ten patients underwent laparoscopy, were deemed unresectable, and no further surgical intervention was performed. R0 surgical resection, which included radical portal lymphadenectomy, liver segment IVb/V resection, with or without bile duct resection, was performed in the remaining 32 patients. N2 nodes were resected if positive on frozen section. Overall survival probability for Stage I to II patients was 100 per cent. Overall survival probability for Stage III patients was 80 per cent (95% confidence interval [CI], 61 to 99%) and 39.3 per cent (95% CI, 28 to 78%) for Stage IV patients. This study demonstrates that 7th edition clinical stage, T stage, and liver involvement are statistically significant predictors of prognosis. These data also demonstrate a benefit to extended resection in patients even with Stage III and IV disease.