Persistence is defined as the probability that the local value of a fluctuating field remains at a particular state for a certain amount of time, before being switched to another state. The concept of persistence has been found to have many diverse practical applications, ranging from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to financial dynamics to distribution of time scales in turbulent flows and many more. In this study, we carry out a detailed analysis of the statistical characteristics of the persistence probability density functions (PDFs) of velocity and temperature fluctuations in the surface layer of a convective boundary layer using a field-experimental dataset. Our results demonstrate that for the time scales smaller than the integral scales, the persistence PDFs of turbulent velocity and temperature fluctuations display a clear power-law behavior, associated with a self-similar eddy cascading mechanism. Moreover, we also show that the effects of non-Gaussian temperature fluctuations act only at those scales that are larger than the integral scales, where the persistence PDFs deviate from the power-law and drop exponentially. Furthermore, the mean time scales of the negative temperature fluctuation events persisting longer than the integral scales are found to be approximately equal to twice the integral scale in highly convective conditions. However, with stability, this mean time scale gradually decreases to almost being equal to the integral scale in the near-neutral conditions. Contrarily, for the long positive temperature fluctuation events, the mean time scales remain roughly equal to the integral scales, irrespective of stability.