- Capan, C;
- Jo, Y-J;
- Balicas, L;
- Goodrich, RG;
- DiTusa, JF;
- Vekhter, I;
- Murphy, TP;
- Bianchi, AD;
- Pham, LD;
- Cho, JY;
- Chan, JY;
- Young, DP;
- Fisk, Z
We report the results of de-Haas-van-Alphen (dHvA) measurements in CeCoIn5 and LaCoIn5. Cd doping is known to induce an antiferromagnetic order in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5, whose effect can be reversed with applied pressure. We find a slight but systematic change of the dHvA frequencies with Cd doping in both compounds, reflecting the chemical potential shift due to the addition of holes. The frequencies and effective masses are close to those found in the nominally pure compounds with similar changes apparent in the Ce and La compounds with Cd substitution. We observe no abrupt change to the electron Fermi surface volume in the high field paramagnetic state for x∼ xc corresponding to the onset of antiferromagnetic ordering at H=0 in CeCo (In1-x Cd x)5. Our results make it unlikely that a change of Fermi surface from large to small accompanies the change in the ground state meaning that the Fermi surface of CeCoIn5 doped with Cd likely includes a significant contribution from Cef electrons even for x> xc. © 2010 The American Physical Society.