We consider discrete quasiperiodic Schrödinger operators with analytic sampling
functions. The thesis has two main themes: rst, to provide a sharp arithmetic criterion
of full spectral dimensionality for analytic quasiperiodic Schrödinger operators
in the positive Lyapunov exponent regime. Second, to provide a concrete example of
Schrödinger operator with mixed spectral types.
For the first theme, we introduce a notion of beta-almost periodicity and prove quantitative
lower spectral/quantum dynamical bounds for general bounded beta-almost periodic
potentials. Applications include the sharp arithmetic criterion in the positive
Lyapunov exponent regime and arithmetic criteria for families with zero Lyapunov
exponents, with applications to Sturmian potentials and the critical almost Mathieu
For the second part, we consider a family of one frequency discrete analytic quasiperiodic
Schrödinger operators which appear in [18]. We show that this family provides
an example of coexistence of absolutely continuous and point spectrum for some
parameters as well as coexistence of absolutely continuous and singular continuous
spectrum for some other parameters.