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Scholarly Works (5 results)
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Extraction Studies of Selected Actinide Ions from Aqueous Solutions with 4-Benzoyl-2, 4-Dihydro-5-Methyl-2-Phenyl-3H-Pyrazol-3-Thione and Tri-n-Octylphosphine Oxide
Hannink, N.J.
Hoffman, D.C.
Smith, B.F.
LBL Publications
[The] Spontaneous Fission Properties of {sub 103}{sup 259}Lr
Hamilton, T.M.
Gregorich, K.E.
Lee, D.M.
Czerwinski, K.R.
Hannink, N.J.
Kacher, C.D.
Kadkhodayan, B.
Kreek, S.A.
Nurmia, M.J.
Lane, M.R.
Nue, M.P.
Turler, A.
Hoffman, D.C.
LBL Publications
Identification of {sup 253}Md
Kadkhodayan, B.
Henderson, R.A.
Hall, H.L.
Leyba, J.D.
Czerwinski, K.R.
Kreek, S.A.
Hannink, N.J.
Gregorich, K.E.
Lee, D.M.
Nurmia, M.J.
Hoffman, D.C.
LBL Publications
Gas Phase Chromatography of Halides of Elements 104 and 105
Turler, A.
Gaggeler, H.W.
Gregorich, K.E.
Barth, H.
Bruchle, W.
Czerwinski, K.R.
Gober, M.K.
Hannink, N.J.
Henderson, R.A.
Hoffman, D.C.
Jost, D.T.
Kacher, C.D.
Kadkhodayan, B.
Kovacs, J.
Kratz, J.V.
Kreek, S.A.
Lee, D.M.
Leyba, J.D.
Nurmia, M.J.
Schadel, M.
Scherer, U.W.
Schimpf, E.
Vermeulen, D.
Weber, A.
Zimmermann, H.P.
Zvara, I.
LBL Publications
Evidence for the Synthesis of Element 110 Produced by the 59Co+209Bi Reaction
Ghiorso, A.
Lee, D.
Somerville, P.
Loveland, W.
Nitschke, M.
Ghiorso, W.
Seaborg, G.T.
Wilmarth, P.A.
Leres, R.
Wydler, A.
Nurmia, M.J.
Gregorich, K.
Gaylord, R.
Hamilton, T.
Hannink, N.J.
Hoffman, D.C.
Jarzynski, C.
Kacher, C.
Kadkhodayan, B.
Kreek, S.
Lane, M.
Lyon, A.
McMahan, M.A.
Neu, M.
Sikkeland, T.
Swiatecki, W.J.
Turler, A.
Walton, J.T.
Yashita, S.
LBL Publications