If new heavy particles are discovered at the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC), we will need a way to distinguish among various
theoretical interpretations for the new physics beyond the Standard
Model (BSM). Models of BSM physics often predict specific relations
that must be satisfied by the couplings of the new particles. For
example, the coupling of the quark, Kaluza-Klein quark and
Kaluza-Klein gluon of the minimal Universal Extra Dimensions (mUED)
model must equal the strong coupling constant of QCD up to small
symmetry-breaking corrections that are radiatively generated. Using
computer simulations, I investigate the possible precision with which
one can measure this coupling at the LHC by examining like-sign dilepton
events that include additional hadronic jets and missing transverse
energy. To set bounds on the precision of a measurement of
the mUED strong coupling constant, I vary this constant away from
its predicted value and investigate the resulting change to the
number of events expected at the LHC. I show that a
measurement of the mUED strong coupling constant can be constrained
to ~5 - 25% provided the systematic uncertainty of the mUED
signal can be reduced.