- Riley, LA;
- Weisshaar, D;
- Crawford, HL;
- Agiorgousis, ML;
- Campbell, CM;
- Cromaz, M;
- Fallon, P;
- Gade, A;
- Gregory, SD;
- Haldeman, EB;
- Jarvis, LR;
- Lawson-John, ED;
- Roberts, B;
- Sadler, BV;
- Stine, CG
UCGretina, a GEANT4 simulation of the GRETINA gamma-ray tracking array of highly-segmented high-purity germanium detectors is described. We have developed a model of the array, in particular of the Quad Module and the capsules, that gives good agreement between simulated and measured photopeak efficiencies over a broad range of gamma-ray energies and reproduces the shape of the measured Compton continuum. Both of these features are needed in order to accurately extract gamma-ray yields from spectra collected in in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements with beams traveling at v∕c≳0.3 at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. In the process of developing the model, we determined that millimeter-scale layers of passive germanium surrounding the active volumes of the simulated crystals must be included in order to reproduce measured photopeak efficiencies. We adopted a simple model of effective passive layers and developed heuristic methods of determining passive-layer thicknesses by comparison of simulations and measurements for a single crystal and for the full array. Prospects for future development of the model are discussed.