Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at increased risk for infection, attributable to immune dysfunction, increased exposure to infectious agents, loss of cutaneous barriers, comorbid conditions, and treatment-related factors (eg, hemodialysis and immunosuppressant therapy). Because iron plays a vital role in pathogen reproduction and host immunity, it is biologically plausible that intravenous iron therapy and/or iron deficiency influence infection risk in CKD. Available data from preclinical experiments, observational studies, and randomized controlled trials are summarized to explore the interplay between intravenous iron and infection risk among patients with CKD, particularly those receiving maintenance hemodialysis. The current evidence base, including data from a recent randomized controlled trial, suggests that proactive judicious use of intravenous iron (in a manner that minimizes the accumulation of non-transferrin-bound iron) beneficially replaces iron stores while avoiding a clinically relevant effect on infection risk. In the absence of an urgent clinical need, intravenous iron therapy should be avoided in patients with active infection. Although serum ferritin concentration and transferrin saturation can help guide clinical decision making about intravenous iron therapy, definition of an optimal iron status and its precise determination in individual patients remain clinically challenging in CKD and warrant additional study.