The detection of special nuclear materials (SNM) requires the understanding of nuclearsignatures that allow the discrimination against background. In particular,
understanding neutron background characteristics such as count rates and energies
and their correlations with environmental conditions and surroundings of measurement
locations is critical in enhancing SNM detection capabilities. The Mobile Imager of
Neutrons for Emergency Responders (MINER) was deployed for 8 weeks in downtown
San Francisco (CA) to study such neutron background characteristics in an urban
environment. Of specific interest was the investigation of the impact of surrounding
buildings on the neutron background count rates and to answer the question whether
buildings act as absorber of neutrons or as sources via the so-called ship effect.
MINER consists of 16 liquid scintillator detector elements and can be operated as a
neutron spectrometer, as a neutron imager, or simply as a counter of fast neutrons. As
expected, the neutron background rate was found to be inversely proportional to the
atmospheric pressure. In the energy range where MINER is most sensitive, roughly 1-10
MeV, it was found that the shape of the detected background spectrum is similar to
that of a detected fission spectrum, indicating the limited discrimination power of the
neutron energy. The similarities between the detected background neutron spectrum
and fission sources makes it difficult to discriminate SNM from background based
solely on the energies observed. The images produced using maximum likelihood
expectation maximization revealed that neutrons preferentially were coming from areas
in the environment that had open sky. The images produced from the data showed that
buildings in the area of deployment act as absorbers of neutrons and not as sources,
so the ship effect was not observed. The inherent properties of a neutron scatter
camera limit the achievable image quality and the effective deployment to
systematically map neutron background signatures due to the low count rate.
Spatial localization of special nuclear materials (SNM) via their neutron signaturesamidst background requires knowledge of the background neutron environment or a means
of separating a source from background based on low amounts of information. Neutron
scatter cameras have been developed and optimized for rapid detection of high activity
sources, but have low imaging efficiency, making it difficult to use them to characterize
low rate diffuse sources. The Low Intensity Neutron Imaging System (LINIS) is a
collimated neutron imager that has been designed and optimized for imaging diffuse
cosmogenic neutron background in the energy range of 0.5-15 MeV.
LINIS operates using 16 liquid scintillation detectors shielded by ultra-high molecular weight
polyethylene cylindrical collimators in a staggered orientation and rotates to
7 discrete positions, giving it roughly 2 pi sensitivity. LINIS has been characterized
using (alpha,n) and fission neutron sources. While designed to operate as
a collimated system, LINIS can also function as a neutron scatter camera for spectral
and 4 pi spatial detection when the collimators have been removed.
LINIS was deployed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) to observethe location behavior of cosmogenic background neutron radiation for 8 weeks.
The observed background neutrons were investigated for the impact of atmospheric
pressure on detected rates and surrounding concrete structures on the spatial
distribution of detected events. The events projected through the system response
matrix revealed that neutrons were preferentially coming from high elevation locations
in space. This was confirmed by comparing the MLEM iterated image with the
collimated cone backprojection, which shared a similar shape. An overlay of the
iterated image with a 4 pi photograph found that the regions of high neutron
intensity corresponded with areas of open sky. The inverse behavior
of observed neutron rates with increasing atmospheric pressure was similarly
confirmed. The ability to derive location information from single event interactions,
an inherent feature of a collimated imager, requires a stable calibration and
knowledge of the efficiency differences between detectors. These measurements were
performed prior to the deployment, but detector shifts occured when LINIS was moved
from a lab setting to the deployment location causing need for a new calibration
after the fact. Future deployments should take calibration measurements prior to
the actual data collection and on a weekly basis.