Information technology can increase energy efficiency by improving the control of
energy-using devices and systems. Awareness of this potential is not new—ideas for
applications of information technology for energy efficiency have been promoted
for more than 20 years. But much of the potential gain from the application of
information technology has not yet been realized. Today a combination of new
requirements for the operation of the electricity system and the development of
new technology has the potential to cause a rapid increase in the pace of adoption
of improved controls. In this paper we discuss one promising avenue for
technology advancement. First, we review some basic concepts with emphasis on
open software-architecture. Then we describe the components of XBOS, a
realization of this open software-architecture. XBOS has the ability to monitor and
control many different sensors and devices using both wired and wireless
communication and a variety of communication protocols. Finally, we illustrate the
capabilities of XBOS with examples from an XBOS installation in a small
commercial office building in Berkeley California.