- Vallone, Giorgio;
- Ambrosio, Giorgio;
- Anderssen, Eric;
- Bourcey, Nicolas;
- Cheng, Daniel W;
- Felice, Helene;
- Ferracin, Paolo;
- Fichera, Claudio;
- Grosclaude, Philippe;
- Guinchard, Michael;
- Juchno, Mariusz;
- Pan, Heng;
- Perez, Juan Carlos;
- Prestemon, Soren
In the framework of the Hi-Lumi LHC Project, CERN and U.S. LARP are jointly developing MQXF, a 150-mm aperture high-field Nb3Sn quadrupole for the upgrade of the inner triplet of the low-beta interaction regions. The magnet is supported by a shell-based structure, providing the preload by means of bladder-key technology and differential thermal contraction of the various components. Two short models have been produced using the same cross section currently considered for the final magnet. The structures were preliminarily tested replacing the superconducting coils with blocks of aluminum. This procedure allows for model validation and calibration, and also to set performance goals for the real magnet. Strain gauges were used to monitor the behavior of the structure during assembly, cool down and also excitation in the case of the magnets. The various structures differ for the shell partitioning strategies adopted and for the presence of thick or thin laminations. This paper presents the results obtained and discusses the mechanical performance of all the short models produced up to now.