The high-luminosity phase of LHC operations (HL-LHC), will
feature a large increase in simultaneous proton-proton interactions
per bunch crossing up to 200, compared with a typical leveling
target of 64 in Run 3. Such an increase will create a very
challenging environment in which to perform charged particle
trajectory reconstruction, a task crucial for the success of the
ATLAS physics program, and will exceed the capabilities of the
current ATLAS Inner Detector (ID). A new all-silicon Inner Tracker
(ITk) will replace the current ID in time for the start of the
HL-LHC. To ensure successful use of the ITk capabilities in Run 4
and beyond, the ATLAS tracking software has been successfully
adapted to achieve state-of-the-art track reconstruction in
challenging high-luminosity conditions with the ITk detector. This
paper presents the expected tracking performance of the ATLAS ITk
based on the latest available developments since the ITk technical
design reports.