Wildland fire-atmosphere interaction generates complex turbulence patterns, organized across multiple scales, which inform fire-spread behaviour, firebrand transport, and smoke dispersion. Here, we utilize wavelet-based techniques to explore the characteristic temporal scales associated with coherent patterns in the measured temperature and the turbulent fluxes during a prescribed wind-driven (heading) surface fire beneath a forest canopy. We use temperature and velocity measurements from tower-mounted sonic anemometers at multiple heights. Patterns in the wavelet-based energy density of the measured temperature plotted on a time-frequency plane indicate the presence of fire-modulated ramp-cliff structures in the low-to-mid-frequency band (0.01-0.33 Hz), with mean ramp durations approximately 20% shorter and ramp slopes that are an order of magnitude higher compared to no-fire conditions. We then investigate heat- and momentum-flux events near the canopy top through a cross-wavelet coherence analysis. Briefly before the fire-front arrives at the tower base, momentum-flux events are relatively suppressed and turbulent fluxes are chiefly thermally-driven near the canopy top, owing to the tilting of the flame in the direction of the wind. Fire-induced heat-flux events comprising warm updrafts and cool downdrafts are coherent down to periods of a second, whereas ambient heat-flux events operate mainly at higher periods (above 17 s). Later, when the strongest temperature fluctuations are recorded near the surface, fire-induced heat-flux events occur intermittently at shorter scales and cool sweeps start being seen for periods ranging from 8 to 35 s near the canopy top, suggesting a diminishing influence of the flame and increasing background atmospheric variability thereat. The improved understanding of the characteristic time scales associated with fire-induced turbulence features, as the fire-front evolves, will help develop more reliable fire behaviour and scalar transport models.