The fundamental analytical accuracies and precisions attainable by laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry (LAMIS), with emphasis on the impacts from spectral interferences and measurement noise, were investigated by means of computer simulation. The study focused on the analysis of a minor isotope at sub- to single-percentage abundance level. With a natural abundance about 1.1% for 13C, the C2 Swan band (d 3Πg-a 3Πu) with Δν = + 1 was selected as a representative system. The characteristics (e.g., noise amplitude and distribution, signal strength, and signal-to-background ratio) of the simulated spectra were experimentally characterized. Partial least square (PLS) regression was used to extract isotopic information from the simulated molecular spectra. In the absence of any spectral interference and with the use of a calibration set consisting of eleven isotopic standards, the theoretical accuracies and precisions with signal accumulation from 100 laser shots are about 0.002% and 0.001%, respectively, in absolute percentage abundance of 13C. The theoretical analytical accuracies slightly degrade, but are adequate for many applications, to 0.004% and 0.008% respectively, for calibrations involving only three and two isotopic standards. It was found that PLS regression is not only immune to both source-flicker and photon-shot noise, but is also effective in differentiating the spectral patterns from the analyte against those from spectral interferences. The influences of spectral interference from single or multiple atomic emission lines were simulated, and new ways to minimize their impacts were formulated and demonstrated. It was found that the wavelength range selected for the computation of the normalization factor should not contain any spectral-interfering peak, and a properly chosen wavelength range increases the tolerance of spectral interference by at least one order of magnitude. With matrix-matched calibration standards, the precisions (expressed as RSDs of the determined 13C isotopic abundances) degrade from ∼ 1% in the absence of spectral interference, to ∼ 3%, 10% and 20% with multiple spectral-interfering peaks that are 10 ×, 100 × and 1000 ×, respectively, stronger than the molecular bandhead of the analyte. The study concluded that PLS regression is a powerful and indispensable tool for extraction of isotopic information from LAMIS spectra.