Restoration of Rivers and Streams (LA 227)

Parent: Water Resources Collections and Archives

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1611w85pAdaptive management in river restoration : theory vs. practice in western North America91167517.6%
8t5919qfDaylighting Islais Creek : a feasibility study87107711.5%
80j3n0kkThe implementation of the Lower Silver Creek watershed project481472.1%
4m48c7x7Assessing the Feasibility of Creek Daylighting in San Francisco, Part I: A Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Existing Urban Daylighting Projects46212545.7%
6hn643hwEvaluation of Riparian Restoration to Enhance Anadromous Fish Habitat along a Napa County Stream453426.7%
03m308k9Multifunctional Riverscapes: Stream restoration, Capability Brown’s water features, and artificial whitewater41103124.4%
0q3257n9Blackberry Creek Daylighting Project, Berkeley : Ten-Year Post-Project Appraisal4173417.1%
1q18f2w6A restoration plan for the Fly River, Papua New Guinea412394.9%
5cq6127xPost-Project Appraisal of Arroyo Viejo Creek Improvement Project, Oakland, California392375.1%
44q9n3wcPost Project Appraisal of Village Creek Restoration, Albany, CA373348.1%
29h3t2kwRestoring Regulation: An Assessment of the Regulatory Process for Restoration Projects3682822.2%
6t0066h4Evaluating the Effects of Vortex Rock Weir Stability on Physical Complexity: Penitencia and Wildcat Creeks36191752.8%
9rh2f4zrPost-Project Performance Assessment of a Multi-Phase Urban Stream Restoration Project on Lower Codornices Creek3553014.3%
701237mfA long-term post-project evaluation of an urban stream restoration project (Baxter Creek, El Cerrito, California)333309.1%
71f373tgLithologic and structural controls on the wetlands of Rodeo Creek in the Marin Headlands, Golden Gate National Recreation, California3372621.2%
31x0q95r18 years of restoration on Codornices Creek32112134.4%
4313c9vmPost-project appraisal of Martin Canyon Creek restoration312296.5%
7rm646zkAssessing the Feasibility of Creek Daylighting in San Francisco, Part II: A Preliminary Analysis of Yosemite Creek3072323.3%
3q5236vtA Re-design Proposal: Connecting Whole Foods Market and Codornices Creek2852317.9%
3x08s6thSaeltzer Dam Removal on Clear Creek 11 years later: An assessment of upstream channel changes since the dam's removal2742314.8%
3fw2z0sfPiloting A Monitoring Program For CCC LWD Projects2642215.4%
5jh1g865Towards a Stable Future: A Design Proposal for Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden, Kensington, California2681830.8%
7k8243b4Multifunctional Riverscapes: Stream restoration, Capability Brown's water features, and artificial whitewater2542116.0%
2864v3vrFloodplain reconnection and sediment capture at Chorro Flats, San Luis Obispo County: Post-project appraisal one decade after construction2461825.0%
2pt0g709Redesigning Marsh Creek Dam to allow Chinook salmon passage, flood protection, and mercury sedimentation2491537.5%
69g0v4brRestoration With Reference: Rediscovering Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden2442016.7%
2bc1c1c1Post-project appraisal of the Sausal Creek restoration project, Oakland, California2371630.4%
2st014m2Biological and Physical Assessment of Streams in Northern California: Evaluating the Effects of Global Change and Human Disturbance231224.3%
8m56948zTidal channel and marshplain development : Cooley Landing salt pond restoration2381534.8%
9t57w5h1A Conceptual Restoration Plan and Tidal Hydrology Assessment for Reconnecting Spring Branch Creek to Suisun Marsh, Solano County, California2381534.8%
0rp8s57bPost-project appraisal of a channel reconstruction on Cuneo Creek, California2291340.9%
6439d8ffHydrologic Analysis and Restoration Considerations for the Upper Klamath Lake Sub-Basin, Klamath County Oregon221214.5%
44r0s4c2A benthic macroinvertebrate survey of Secret Ravine : the effects of urbanization on species diversity and abundance2181338.1%
50g0x121Rock Weirs as Tools for Stabilization in Restoration Projects: An appraisal and comparison of two stream restoration projects in Northern California2171433.3%
5dc5g3cjEvaluating a protocol to avoid fish stranding in the Russian River Watershed2141719.0%
5z39x8jbParallel passageways: An assessment of salmon migration in the San Gregorio watershed2171433.3%
66s4z0xkPost project evaluation, Miller Creek, California : assessment of stream bed morphology, and recommendations for future study2141719.0%
2fz9q17xPost-Project Assessment of the 2003 Cerrito Creek Restoration and Recommendations for Additional Stormwater Management191185.3%
7n3132jpAlteration of the groundwater table due to construction of a floodplain bypass at Upper Pine Creek, Concord, California1931615.8%
8ht9p91zPost Project Appraisal of Cerrito Creek at El Cerrito Plaza1921710.5%
02v4m1hwChannel response to Dam Removal, Clear Creek, California1841422.2%
90k9c1dhHistorical narratives of Big Chico Creek Watershed Alliance and Butte Creek Watershed Conservancy1810855.6%
95z210sgRestoration Potential of a Mining-Impacted Urban Stream: Horseshoe Branch of Lion Creek, Oakland, CA1871138.9%
9s42863gPost-Project Appraisal of Baxter Creek at Booker T. Anderson Park : Shopping Carts - The New Boulders181175.6%
3ft991xcLooking forward, looking back : monitoring the Tassajara Creek Restoration Project1621412.5%
41590906Post-Project Appraisal for the Winter Creek Restoration Redwood Grove, UC Botanical Gardens at Berkeley1661037.5%
4r6894pkUnderstanding wood-pool dynamics using long-term monitoring data from the Gualala River Watershed: What can we learn?1661037.5%
4zz121tnPost-project appraisals of constructed vernal pools in Solano County, California1641225.0%
6ws5915vEvolution of a Compound Channel: Tassajara Creek, Dublin, California1631318.8%
95j1z0vvBaxter Creek Gateway Park: assessment of an urban stream restoration project167943.8%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.