University of California Water Resources Center

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
0g21p5hsImpact of Climate Change on Irrigation Water Availability, Crop Water Requirements and Soil Salinity in the SJV, CA20948496844
8c3559pmDistribution, Ecology and Potential Impacts of the Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in San Francisco Bay19439575741
36q1p0vjThe Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: The Evolution and Implementation of Water Policy: An Historical Perspective569161813
3qt3s5c4Influence of Nutrient Loading on the Invasion of an Alien Plant Species, Giant Reed (Arundo donax), in Southern California Riparian Ecosystems50159179
70q7678rEffects of Herbaceous Riparian Vegetation on Streambank Stability50919202
8h99x39tColloidal fouling of reverse osmosis membranes471613135
5rw9k19jManagement of Coarse Sediment in Regulated Rivers of California451511136
0s84j2wwThe Evolution of California State Water Planning 1850-192842912156
8cw1d14zBioaccumulation and Biotransformations of Organic Material-Borne Selenium in Mosquitofish (Determination of Dimethylselenoxide in Solution Using HPLC-HG-AAS)401412122
2vn519zvFurrow Irrigation Model Development and Evaluation38116138
9cd5h943The Redox Transformation and Mobilization of Arsenate and Arsenite at Water - Sediment Interfaces38813125
3z72p27xEffects of temperature, flow, and disturbance on adult spring-run chinook salmon3775214
6gd967h3Control of mercury methylation in wetlands through iron addition37651313
9nk76212Optimal Operation of a Multiple Reservoir System37126127
0cv8d56hEnforcement-driven financing of water quality in California: The case of supplemental environmental projects3513985
1d66w63cIntegrated regional water management: Collaboration or water politics as usual?351010114
90f0p629Effect of Stream Flow Regulation and Absence of Scouring Floods on Trophic Transfer of Biomass to Fish in Northern California Rivers35714122
86z2n9wmSteelhead and Chinook Salmon Bioenergetics: Temperature, Ration, and Genetic Effects3361296
08m6429rNDMA Formation during Chlorination and Chloramination of Aqueous Diuron Solutions3264139
4nb992t4Freshwater mussels in a California North Coast Range river: occurrence, distribution, and controls31104125
5h60p535Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence in the Los Banos-Kettleman City Area, California31291010
22n4t5dqSelenium Removal by Constructed Wetlands: Role of Biological Volatilization309975
2zw1t2gpSoil water monitoring using geophysical techniques : development and applications in agriculture and water resources management29115112
5380r5f4Hydrogeological study and modeling of the Kern Water Bank298687
3j77h7t6Hydrodynamics of shallow water habitats in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta2792115
8vp0d8kxA Fresh Perspective for Managing Water in California: Insights from Applying the European Water Framework Directive to the Russian River276597
30h036pgExtending Traditional Technology of Aquifer Characterization Through Numerical Models2681062
3z07d30dModeling and Optimization of Seawater Intrusion Barriers in Southern California Coastal Plain265399
836054d6Evaluating the use of marine-derived nitrogen in riparian tree rings as an indicator of historical nutrient flux and salmon abundance267766
9v08n1jjAssessment of Acidity of Lakes and Precipitation in the Sierra Nevada2610367
1nx0q3ddRiver Seepage Investigation251789
3kf9t52hAnaerobic Degradation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Aquifers or "Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Degradation"256685
58h617drGold Mining Impacts on Food Chain Mercury in Northwestern Sierra Nevada Streams256298
6w45z4b9Simulating and understanding variability in runoff from the Sierra Nevada2521184
7sr227xqGeomorphic, vegetation and flooding characteristics for lower San Pablo Creek : a baseline study2531372
0xc2148xAbiotic nitrogen removal mechanisms in rapid infiltration wastewater treatment systems24101112
5f02599tDeveloping a Model System for Assessing the Effects of Conversion to Sustainable Agricultural Practices in a Sensitive Estuarine Watershed, Elkhorn Slough, California2493111
9rc0j398Virus, phosphorus, and nitrogen removal in onsite wastewater treatment processes2454105
90t9s97vPlant Water Use in Owens Valley, CA: Understanding the Influence of Climate and Depth to Groundwater2324125
0wf8h3p7Hydrogeologic response of small watersheds to wildfire226583
42s7q82wA Two-Step Nonlinear Programming Approach to the Optimization of Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Ground Water229571
7kg3c1vgClimate Variability of the Sierra Nevada Over the Last Millennium: Reconstructions from Annually Laminated Sediments in Swamp Lake, Yosemite National Park, CA224864
7mm4x49bIs urban runoff a source of human pathogenic viruses to recreational beach waters?2283101
8b96n9v8Self-sustainability of trout populations in currently-stocked alpine lakes in Californi's Sierra Nevada2221163
18w1g748Potential of Drip Irrigation in Row Crops for Agricultural Water Conservation in California2151123
1hw0w7gpNutrient deposition and alteration of food web structure in high-elevation lakes of the Sierra Nevada: response by microbial communities217374
4ww3x92zNon-native fish in mountain lakes: effects on a declining amphibian and ecosystem subsidy216591
5r93n003Large-Scale Utilization of Saline Groundwater for Irrigation of Pistachios Interplanted with Cotton212694
38w0p9stAssessment of Seawater Intrusion Potential From Sea-level Rise in Coastal Aquifers of California204475
9sv6j03hEcohydrologic Effects of Stream Restoration207463

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.