Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference

Parent: UC Agriculture & Natural Resources

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
1xx4553fAvian Contraceptive Tools: One Size Does Not Fit All2,035523814831,119
1kp2r437What can birds hear?829206212189222
9vg9683jManaging the Small Indian Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) in the Midst of Human Recreation: What is the Optimal Approach?534165115104150
33s6p09dA Review of Bird Deterrents Used in Agriculture50416013894112
0qz6c152Coyote Attacks on Humans, 1970-201548289147115131
5j46t7f2American Bullfrogs as Invasive Species: A Review of the Introduction, Subsequent Problems, Management Options, and Future Directions26076536071
0tz9z9wvRodents as a food source25157665276
1378w5fkRoaming, stray, and feral domestic cats and dogs as wildlife problems24264394792
079770c0Control methods for snakes22656555758
1h18777fEfficacy of IGI® Carbon Dioxide Gas to Kill Ground Squirrels and Pocket Gophers in Underground Burrows22362555056
06w9371vThe mongoose in the Caribbean: Past management and future challenges20064463357
2n56j861Do the Tracks Track? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Baited Ink-plates for Rat Monitoring in a Montane Rainforest200151723145
7g5336h7A New Wrinkle on an Old Method: Successful Use of Scarecrows as a Non-Lethal Method to Prevent Bird Damage to Field Crops in Israel18543554344
3zj01607The Effect of Goose Management on Water Quality18035523657
9w52r9n0The Potential of the Apple Inc., AirTag™ as Monitoring Devices for Tracking Animals17539392968
4vg5p9hsNon-Lethal and Lethal Tools to Manage Wolf-Livestock Conflict in the Northwestern United States17430454455
64r826p6What’s Up with House Mice? A Review17254523432
80k9t3rgEvaluating Biosecurity of Physical Containment at USDA Animal Facilities to Prepare for Genetically Modified Rodent Trials1727285483
1bf2b6pkAversive or Attractive? The Effects of Skunk Oil on Predator Behavior16941445826
5n19n3srContraPest®, a New Tool for Rodent Control16937214665
5g95r9v2Invasion, Damage, and Control Options for Eastern Fox Squirrels16740353260
6mx0f9pfCoyotes and Humans: Can We Coexist?16757313445
5vc877j4History, Management, and Future of Invasive Wild Pigs16337383652
2fc5c9jxThe Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication: Lessons Learnt from an Inhabited Island16036593035
42g96569Eradication of Invasive House Crow (Corvus splendens) from Socotra Island, Republic of Yemen – Lessons Learned from 15 Years of Facing a Bird Invasion15341383539
78h5c1q4Vampire Bats: Preparing for Range Expansion into the U.S.15242374033
1wh4b254Factors Contributing to Recent House Mouse Eradication Failures on Islands: An Initial Assessment Following a Workshop in New Zealand15144302750
90z67731Detection and Removal of Invasive Burmese Pythons: Methods Development Update14532215735
8hm0k87fResponse of Mountain Lions to Hazing: Does Exposure to Dogs Result in Displacement?14224513631
8bf0w19pThe efficacy of glue traps against wild populations of house mice, Mus domesticus Rutty13634413229
8nv0z3v4A Profile of the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus, in New York City: Its Impact on City Operations and the Need for Collaborative Interagency Rat Management Programs13524363540
42s2d8q9Applying UAV Systems in Wildlife Management13038242939
3dq750t9Use of vulture carcasses and effigies to reduce vulture damage to property and agriculture1294464417
9ss4g9wvEfficacy test protocols for evaluation of ultrasonic rodent repellent devices12728362736
74v8g2v1Scarecrows and predator models for frightening birds from specific areas12633422427
4vd6r2ggThe economic importance and control of cane-rat (Thryonomys swinderianus Temminck)12528451735
0pr531z9Actions speak louder than words: a call for preventing further mongoose invasions in Fiji12327272940
1zx3j1q4Effect of Addition of Artificial Flavour on Rodent Bait Attractiveness12335313126
5064c0n7Management of conflicts between urban coyotes and humans in Southern California12145281236
4x75n4pqGonaCon,™ a versatile GnRH contraceptive for a large variety of pest animal problems11921282644
20q5j44sContinuing Field Efficacy of Norbormide against both Rattus rattus (Ship Rats) and Rattus norvegicus (Norway Rats)11716371450
1gk7p365Real-time Monitoring of Contraceptive Pellet Consumption to Achieve Rat/Mouse Rodent Control11614244038
1nv1m96zRedevelopment of a Rat Specific Rodenticide Norbormide 11423281845
81d987p5Laboratory Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Fertility Control Bait ContraPest® on Wild-Captured Black Rats (Rattus rattus)11428292928
0107n1qnForty-five years of anticoagulant rodenticides--past, present and future trends11224382525
58z0t7wtA vision for wildlife management11281022
7q5543tbPredator-free New Zealand 2050: Fantasy or Reality?11220312635
3fv733v6Review of bird repellents11041261825
6mg4f2dbFrightening methods and devices/stimuli to prevent mammal damage--a review10732341823
5883j4pnRodenticide ecotoxicology: Pre-lethal effects of anticoagulants on rat behaviour10428242824

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