Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference

Parent: UC Agriculture & Natural Resources

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1xx4553fAvian Contraceptive Tools: One Size Does Not Fit All2,0355291,50626.0%
1kp2r437What can birds hear?829547756.5%
9vg9683jManaging the Small Indian Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) in the Midst of Human Recreation: What is the Optimal Approach?534275075.1%
33s6p09dA Review of Bird Deterrents Used in Agriculture5047942515.7%
0qz6c152Coyote Attacks on Humans, 1970-201548294731.9%
5j46t7f2American Bullfrogs as Invasive Species: A Review of the Introduction, Subsequent Problems, Management Options, and Future Directions2606719325.8%
0tz9z9wvRodents as a food source2513221912.7%
1378w5fkRoaming, stray, and feral domestic cats and dogs as wildlife problems2423021212.4%
079770c0Control methods for snakes226112154.9%
1h18777fEfficacy of IGI® Carbon Dioxide Gas to Kill Ground Squirrels and Pocket Gophers in Underground Burrows223112124.9%
06w9371vThe mongoose in the Caribbean: Past management and future challenges200131876.5%
2n56j861Do the Tracks Track? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Baited Ink-plates for Rat Monitoring in a Montane Rainforest200131876.5%
7g5336h7A New Wrinkle on an Old Method: Successful Use of Scarecrows as a Non-Lethal Method to Prevent Bird Damage to Field Crops in Israel1851236266.5%
3zj01607The Effect of Goose Management on Water Quality180141667.8%
9w52r9n0The Potential of the Apple Inc., AirTag™ as Monitoring Devices for Tracking Animals1754712826.9%
4vg5p9hsNon-Lethal and Lethal Tools to Manage Wolf-Livestock Conflict in the Northwestern United States1742415013.8%
64r826p6What’s Up with House Mice? A Review1722514714.5%
80k9t3rgEvaluating Biosecurity of Physical Containment at USDA Animal Facilities to Prepare for Genetically Modified Rodent Trials1723114118.0%
1bf2b6pkAversive or Attractive? The Effects of Skunk Oil on Predator Behavior1691815110.7%
5n19n3srContraPest®, a New Tool for Rodent Control1691715210.1%
5g95r9v2Invasion, Damage, and Control Options for Eastern Fox Squirrels16751623.0%
6mx0f9pfCoyotes and Humans: Can We Coexist?1674911829.3%
5vc877j4History, Management, and Future of Invasive Wild Pigs1632214113.5%
2fc5c9jxThe Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication: Lessons Learnt from an Inhabited Island160141468.8%
42g96569Eradication of Invasive House Crow (Corvus splendens) from Socotra Island, Republic of Yemen – Lessons Learned from 15 Years of Facing a Bird Invasion153151389.8%
78h5c1q4Vampire Bats: Preparing for Range Expansion into the U.S.15291435.9%
1wh4b254Factors Contributing to Recent House Mouse Eradication Failures on Islands: An Initial Assessment Following a Workshop in New Zealand1513211921.2%
90z67731Detection and Removal of Invasive Burmese Pythons: Methods Development Update1453411123.4%
8hm0k87fResponse of Mountain Lions to Hazing: Does Exposure to Dogs Result in Displacement?1423910327.5%
8bf0w19pThe efficacy of glue traps against wild populations of house mice, Mus domesticus Rutty1361412210.3%
8nv0z3v4A Profile of the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus, in New York City: Its Impact on City Operations and the Need for Collaborative Interagency Rat Management Programs1353310224.4%
42s2d8q9Applying UAV Systems in Wildlife Management1301811213.8%
3dq750t9Use of vulture carcasses and effigies to reduce vulture damage to property and agriculture129567343.4%
9ss4g9wvEfficacy test protocols for evaluation of ultrasonic rodent repellent devices1271311410.2%
74v8g2v1Scarecrows and predator models for frightening birds from specific areas126339326.2%
4vd6r2ggThe economic importance and control of cane-rat (Thryonomys swinderianus Temminck)12581176.4%
0pr531z9Actions speak louder than words: a call for preventing further mongoose invasions in Fiji12361174.9%
1zx3j1q4Effect of Addition of Artificial Flavour on Rodent Bait Attractiveness12331202.4%
5064c0n7Management of conflicts between urban coyotes and humans in Southern California12191127.4%
4x75n4pqGonaCon,™ a versatile GnRH contraceptive for a large variety of pest animal problems11991107.6%
20q5j44sContinuing Field Efficacy of Norbormide against both Rattus rattus (Ship Rats) and Rattus norvegicus (Norway Rats)117199816.2%
1gk7p365Real-time Monitoring of Contraceptive Pellet Consumption to Achieve Rat/Mouse Rodent Control116179914.7%
1nv1m96zRedevelopment of a Rat Specific Rodenticide Norbormide 1141410012.3%
81d987p5Laboratory Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Fertility Control Bait ContraPest® on Wild-Captured Black Rats (Rattus rattus)114111039.6%
0107n1qnForty-five years of anticoagulant rodenticides--past, present and future trends112258722.3%
58z0t7wtA vision for wildlife management11231092.7%
7q5543tbPredator-free New Zealand 2050: Fantasy or Reality?112248821.4%
3fv733v6Review of bird repellents110278324.5%
6mg4f2dbFrightening methods and devices/stimuli to prevent mammal damage--a review107188916.8%
5883j4pnRodenticide ecotoxicology: Pre-lethal effects of anticoagulants on rat behaviour104139112.5%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.