Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities

Parent: UC Santa Barbara

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
2fc2v1trInfluencer Marketing and Parasocial Relationships 897240212244201
66g9r00gMain Character Syndrome24982437351
5226b7vxThe Beautification of Evil: Hitler’s Rise and Consolidation of Power Through Visual Imagery23377554160
4026c425The Effects of Familial Expectations over Major Choice on the Emotional Well-being of College Students215102443336
3h9061vjThe First-Gen Experience: Trying toSucceed or Trying to Avoid Failure?210171601518
8vx9m795The Physical Body in Crime, Punishment, and Law in Early New England, 1630–167519846623951
58m3f8t5How Media Framing in COVID-19 News Coverage Influences Public Preventive Behaviors16524265560
8st0d648CTRL: A Critical Examination of the Wellness Industry16151234938
54h0s5znBreaking News: Fox News and MSNBC in a Divided America14439283641
5rp168fjEthiopia Shall Stretch Forth Her Hands: A Study of African American Engagement with the Second Italo-Ethiopian War and the Role Black Periodicals Between 1935 to 1937 Played in Italian Colonial Resistance13918152878
8h63v4rxReal and Imagined: The Lives of Anne Bonny and Mary Read13646313524
3r50f5c8White by Association: The Mixed Marriage Policy of Japanese American Internees13234433025
3437d2v4The Original Power Suit: Fashion as a Tool of Political Agency in the Early Modern Period12344212929
5pc3d5xvKeepers of Womanhood: Missed Opportunities for Feminist and Transgender Coalition Building from the 1970s through the 1990s12016102470
8cx732nzThe Klamath River Crisis: Environmental Degradation and Indigenous Food Insecurity1201995339
80t6h3hkFreedom Cannot Be Given: An Analysis of the Significance of Women in the Cultural Revolution11120222841
1841697dUnderstanding Why We Spin11015283631
1xn43799Kalifornia Klan Kulture: The Ku Klux Klan’s Usage of Media and Reporting in 1970s Southern California10825282926
9wq7c7g2Resisting the Rightward Turn: Marxist Analysis of Imperialism in Early Shōwa Japan10419172345
5n91c5g4Lost in Translation: A look into Multilingualism's Effect on Personality and Identity10127252524
3zx7q8hkThe Gender Diagnosis Gap: The Role of Implicit Bias on the Misdiagnosis of Young Women’s Health Concerns9925103826
9t84h3nvToward a Sociogenic Understanding of Reparations: An Analysis of Japanese American Reparations and Yuri Kochiyama’s Revolutionary Praxis9119182727
9mg983jrThe United States of Acupuncture: An Assessment of Medicolegal Designation and Insurance Coverage’s Impact on US Practitioners9021203316
02g3h7n7Evolution And Revolution:Anarchist Imaginaries Between Biology And Politics In The Early Twentieth Century871772439
9h83z8jqFrom Los Angeles to the Inland Empire: The Flourishment and Implication of Jim Crow, Housing Discrimination in Postwar Southern California8624232514
5z86t0dxTrust and Algorithmic Decision Making7919242115
6kp6v7q3Alexander Severus and his Puppet Masters: The Involvement of the Julias Maesa and Mamaeain Alexander Severus’ Reign (AD 222-235)7612242614
4095f372Exploring the Impact of Mobile Learning on STEM Education in K-8 Settings: A Systematic Literature Review on the Implementation and Evaluation of Mobile Learning733319912
3jr4q83pEnvironmentally-Fueled Violence in Honduras: The Case Studies of Berta Cáceres and the Indigenous Tolupan People7215142716
66k9b561Catherine de’ Medici: Unfurling a Legacy7128181312
2k11z7j6“To Centralise or to Divide?”: Competing Memories of Medieval Chinese Intellectuals on the Qin Demise and Administrative System702123197
8h5625bbThe “Good Story Problem”: How Traditional Storytelling Structures Muddle Thirteen Reasons Why’s Mental Health Message692591025
4jp8580zChallenges and Impact: Federal Initiatives in Desegregating Rural Mississippi Schools during the Great Society6313152411
5871r1vzCheckmate: The 1998 Protests and the Formation of the Student Resource Building631416285
5z258976Policy and Media’s Role in the Failures of The War on Drugs6212101228
9s89v670The Effects of Different Forms of Exercise on Short-Term Mental Health5812141814
4gg011r6Assessing Religious Tolerance of the Late Roman Empire571411257
5rn04113From Reunification to Normalization: Twenty Years of Vietnam, 1975-1995561491815
45s6197zSocial Media Perceptions from X to Z5514151313
7203k21dRelationships in Zanzibar: Narratives During the Turn of the Century544171221
41h3m42tThe Effects on Sexual Assault on Survivor's Sex Lives and Romantic Relationships 5113141212
2rg3862xRacial Differences in Non Pathological Dissociation491811128
73m9c2m4Benchmarking Neural Networks for American Option Pricing491510159
2b97c5wmAn Imposter in My Own Home: The Intertwining of Trauma and Identity in Asian-American Literature481511139
2j48057kStatus-Based Discrimination and Cultural Mismatch Predict Decreased Belonging Among Low-SES College Students 4712101510
3tz2t78zPosts or Messaging? Identifying the Dominant Feature Behind Social Media Addiction 4740421
72n7161jThe Effect of Oral Hormonal Contraceptives on the Ease of Recall of an Emotional Autobiographical Memory471213193
95h074ppState Instituted Sexual Violence:How the Northern Irish State Weaponised Gender to Enforce Authority During the Troubles, 1968-19984713131110
7p25h9hkIbn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Qayyim on Authority461216117
3mj4w4qsAutomated Exercise Equipment for Accessibility: Elevating Your Workout451511811

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.