Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities

Parent: UC Santa Barbara

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
2fc2v1trInfluencer Marketing and Parasocial Relationships 784497356.3%
5226b7vxThe Beautification of Evil: Hitler’s Rise and Consolidation of Power Through Visual Imagery2515020119.9%
8vx9m795The Physical Body in Crime, Punishment, and Law in Early New England, 1630–16752402093187.1%
66g9r00gMain Character Syndrome2344419018.8%
58m3f8t5How Media Framing in COVID-19 News Coverage Influences Public Preventive Behaviors19251872.6%
8st0d648CTRL: A Critical Examination of the Wellness Industry1494110827.5%
4026c425The Effects of Familial Expectations over Major Choice on the Emotional Well-being of College Students1372511218.2%
1841697dUnderstanding Why We Spin1242110316.9%
8cx732nzThe Klamath River Crisis: Environmental Degradation and Indigenous Food Insecurity123329126.0%
80t6h3hkFreedom Cannot Be Given: An Analysis of the Significance of Women in the Cultural Revolution118863272.9%
54h0s5znBreaking News: Fox News and MSNBC in a Divided America116942281.0%
5rp168fjEthiopia Shall Stretch Forth Her Hands: A Study of African American Engagement with the Second Italo-Ethiopian War and the Role Black Periodicals Between 1935 to 1937 Played in Italian Colonial Resistance106277925.5%
3zx7q8hkThe Gender Diagnosis Gap: The Role of Implicit Bias on the Misdiagnosis of Young Women’s Health Concerns105307528.6%
3437d2v4The Original Power Suit: Fashion as a Tool of Political Agency in the Early Modern Period104554952.9%
9mg983jrThe United States of Acupuncture: An Assessment of Medicolegal Designation and Insurance Coverage’s Impact on US Practitioners989899.2%
5pc3d5xvKeepers of Womanhood: Missed Opportunities for Feminist and Transgender Coalition Building from the 1970s through the 1990s94316333.0%
3r50f5c8White by Association: The Mixed Marriage Policy of Japanese American Internees93187519.4%
8h63v4rxReal and Imagined: The Lives of Anne Bonny and Mary Read89236625.8%
5n91c5g4Lost in Translation: A look into Multilingualism's Effect on Personality and Identity87216624.1%
5z258976Policy and Media’s Role in the Failures of The War on Drugs78572173.1%
3jr4q83pEnvironmentally-Fueled Violence in Honduras: The Case Studies of Berta Cáceres and the Indigenous Tolupan People72234931.9%
9wq7c7g2Resisting the Rightward Turn: Marxist Analysis of Imperialism in Early Shōwa Japan68293942.6%
02g3h7n7Evolution And Revolution:Anarchist Imaginaries Between Biology And Politics In The Early Twentieth Century63204331.7%
8h5625bbThe “Good Story Problem”: How Traditional Storytelling Structures Muddle Thirteen Reasons Why’s Mental Health Message634596.3%
66k9b561Catherine de’ Medici: Unfurling a Legacy62431969.4%
5rn04113From Reunification to Normalization: Twenty Years of Vietnam, 1975-199561352657.4%
5z86t0dxTrust and Algorithmic Decision Making60105016.7%
2k11z7j6“To Centralise or to Divide?”: Competing Memories of Medieval Chinese Intellectuals on the Qin Demise and Administrative System58104817.2%
73m9c2m4Benchmarking Neural Networks for American Option Pricing5894915.5%
9s89v670The Effects of Different Forms of Exercise on Short-Term Mental Health58104817.2%
7g16g20zReinventing the Past: Remembering the Cultural Revolution and Red Detachment of Women​— An Exploration of Chinese Revolutionary Ballet57332457.9%
1xn43799Kalifornia Klan Kulture: The Ku Klux Klan’s Usage of Media and Reporting in 1970s Southern California5564910.9%
2j48057kStatus-Based Discrimination and Cultural Mismatch Predict Decreased Belonging Among Low-SES College Students 5594616.4%
45s6197zSocial Media Perceptions from X to Z554517.3%
9h83z8jqFrom Los Angeles to the Inland Empire: The Flourishment and Implication of Jim Crow, Housing Discrimination in Postwar Southern California54183633.3%
9t84h3nvToward a Sociogenic Understanding of Reparations: An Analysis of Japanese American Reparations and Yuri Kochiyama’s Revolutionary Praxis54183633.3%
5871r1vzCheckmate: The 1998 Protests and the Formation of the Student Resource Building49113822.4%
2b97c5wmAn Imposter in My Own Home: The Intertwining of Trauma and Identity in Asian-American Literature48143429.2%
3h9061vjThe First-Gen Experience: Trying toSucceed or Trying to Avoid Failure?4864212.5%
4gg011r6Assessing Religious Tolerance of the Late Roman Empire48163233.3%
3mj4w4qsAutomated Exercise Equipment for Accessibility: Elevating Your Workout4573815.6%
5dp6r2v0On Depersonalization Disorder: State Decentering and State Dissociation 4583717.8%
3vf078rdPerceptions of Advantage-Group and Disadvantage-Group Allies4183319.5%
4095f372Exploring the Impact of Mobile Learning on STEM Education in K-8 Settings: A Systematic Literature Review on the Implementation and Evaluation of Mobile Learning412394.9%
41h3m42tThe Effects on Sexual Assault on Survivor's Sex Lives and Romantic Relationships 4073317.5%
4vw1422jImpact of Ethnic Studies Pedagogyon Latinx Student Achievement40142635.0%
6kp6v7q3Alexander Severus and his Puppet Masters: The Involvement of the Julias Maesa and Mamaeain Alexander Severus’ Reign (AD 222-235)4063415.0%
72n7161jThe Effect of Oral Hormonal Contraceptives on the Ease of Recall of an Emotional Autobiographical Memory4063415.0%
3x15z0bdCollege Survival Guide3943510.3%
7p25h9hkIbn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Qayyim on Authority37172045.9%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.