Independent Study Projects

Parent: School of Medicine

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
7j03m0n9Microbiology Concept Maps3503774113126
0ww3k4c3Anesthesia student survival guide15434303753
81g4t3cfI had the perfect childhood : minimization and denial on the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire.15130423940
5qt6h4w6Step 1 Advice Booklet8316182425
5260f48fPediatric Orthopedic Module.7019172014
4jq8c75nPatients who leave the emergency department without being seen and their follow-up behavior: a retrospective descriptive analysis631219239
60475602Noninvasive assessement of maternal hemodynamic function by electrical impedance cardiography (EIC) and correlation with uterine and umbilical vascular resistance in mid-pregnancy.5733204
2p71p7j2San Diego homeless hygiene evaluation521016224
4cq557qjImplementation of an educational exercise to enhance clinical reasoning in third year medical students49891913
1pw252wnPort-wine stains and Sturge-Weber syndrome: comparison of risk stratification models4813101411
6jf419d5Clinical Vignettes for Second Year Pathology Education.4612101113
1590j77mAddressing food insecurity in San Diego by providing food to low-income patients with diabetes, educating health care providers, and increasing enrollment in CalFresh4568238
3dj4791rUse of Epic “SmartForms” for Diagnosis in the FASD Clinic4569228
6px693t8Food insecurity and food pantry utilization at the UCSD Student-Run Free Clinics41105197
7mg504s5Introduction to Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine.401013134
3ds1k49qTutorial : Ultrasound Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta.39117138
7ww0z28tDoknosis : A differential diagnosis tool for physicians.39109119
0xr1d56tPhysiological effects of a spit sock37821512
74b413djUCSD SOM 3rd Year Survival Guide3661398
6650p24jTrends in emergency physician opioid prescribing practices during the United States opioid crisis3544189
1mj6p19rNeurology clerkship review3013854
4cr5q7mgWeb-based pharmacology cases for Cardiovascular System 1 and Renal System 1297778
5hp4m9c5Oral Health A Study Guide for Medical Students & Physicians299389
7jb30724Assessment of Spanish Language Proficiency of Bilingual Medical Students29113105
8n766294Medical professionals in remote and extreme environments : a mission to Mars2765106
2fz7k333Buccal Fat Pad Augmentation for Facial Rejuvenation26321011
6gj1476pThe biopsychosocial evaluation of female sexual dysfunction267136
8z3234wtA prospective study of stingray injury and envenomation outcomes2411175
63t0c9h6Improving community mental health access through implementation of a universal depression screening in a Student-Run Free Clinic234595
07g3h0fcLong-term mode and timing of premature ventricular complex recurrence following successful catheter ablation2241107
0rx965qqMedical spanish proficiency as an independent study project2243141
537427z5Consequences of hemispatial neglect on language and social skills development.227852
2jz8k9v7Characteristics and outcomes of geriatric patients who were screened through the Geriatric Emergency Nurse Initiative Expert (GENIE) risk screening and referral system2171112
9v53v1zrPractice Clinical Cases in Pharmacology, Hematology, and Infectious Disease2182101
024092jtThe Relative Strength of Association of Ankle-Brachial vs. Toe-Brachial Index with Cardiovascular Mortality in Individuals With and Without Diabetes Mellitus.2042113
1bj3w0w8Improving Patient Education in Global Health Efforts in the Philippines206473
1sb798gsPalliative and hospice care in the clinical setting.176254
7hk9b4fsSupplemental Study Resources and Assessment Questions for MS1 Nutrition Thread179341
10015849MRI neuroimaging in the evaluation of post-laminectomy pain syndrome166154
2nh5z35xPart 1: Hotspotting in the UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic: identifying patients for enrollment in Complex Care Service case management ; Part 2: Hotspotting applied: creating a model for the provision of case managed care for complex patients identified at the Student-Run Free Clinic Project16349
0bx8j7n5NG tube and catheter manikin simulation : an expansion of practical curriculum151014
1j7138tkWarm Handoff: Fact or Fiction?154452
1n04t463Current management of succinate dehydrogenase deficient gastrointestinal stromal tumors153381
2x2774vkCreation of Two-Week Selective in Interventional Radiology151113
96k0j59wGrowth chart basics in 3 minutes: A resource for improving parent’s understanding of growth charts154371
227055scEconomic impact of palliative care among elderly cancer patients145252
2w54g72wAnalysis of surgically excised breast masses in 119 pediatric patients.143353
3br2t1mxThe Clinical and Immunological Significance of GAD-Specific Autoantibody and T-Cell Responses in Type 1 Diabetes.143362
4ch707tkImplementation and Evaluation of a Recurring Interdisciplinary Community Health Fair in a Remote U.S.–Mexico Border Community145432
2v6486m8Management of placenta accreta: evaluate the relationship between cervical length and obstetrical outcome in women with placenta accreta136313

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.