Education Department

Parent: UC Santa Cruz

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
3b61n1wdAcademic literacy in mathematics for English Learners18325324977
31m3q6tbMapping the Terrain: Language Testing and Placement for US-Educated Language Minority Students in California's Community Colleges [FULL REPORT]13540382532
10g691cwWhat's in a Test? ESL and English Placement Tests in California's Community Colleges and Implications for US-Educated Language Minority Students10134381613
22v640frPan-cancer analysis of whole genomes7733151910
2bg0r9q0Educational Reform for Immigrant Youth in Japan6911202711
75h4z5j9Comprehensive molecular profiling of lung adenocarcinoma6118211012
6c2423g7LGBTQ street youth talk back: a meditation on resistance and witnessing4712151010
25t440dxScaffolding student participation in mathematical practices46101323
14t551drSpecifying Hybrid Models of Teachers’ Work During COVID-194399718
5kk2153sThe Cancer Genome Atlas Pan-Cancer analysis project42141648
1ms339fbMaking Curriculum from Scratch: Testimonio in an Urban Classroom41156137
81m0m09mTranscriptomic Characterization of SF3B1 Mutation Reveals Its Pleiotropic Effects in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia40101686
1p23k76tThe Language of Ideas and the Language of Display: Reconceptualizing “Academic Language” in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms3677913
2df545phMathematics teaching practices with technology that support conceptual understanding for Latino/a students359224
4jj9544kUsing Two Languages When Learning Mathematics3514516
4cm490n4Revisiting Early Research on Early Language and Number Names347423
5fb3t2jxUsing the academic literacy in mathematics framework to uncover multiple aspects of activity during peer mathematical discussions3471215
8390w0hjMultiplatform Analysis of 12 Cancer Types Reveals Molecular Classification within and across Tissues of Origin33151431
0668z5cxInflammation drives alternative first exon usage to regulate immune genes including a novel iron-regulated isoform of Aim231135112
6st9t1qdBhutan: educational challenges in the land of the Thunder Dragon30106104
101965h5A Murine Model of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Based on B Cell-Restricted Expression of Sf3b1 Mutation and Atm Deletion2891162
6x39n5kdC4 eJournal, Issue 12711745
9jt5h2hkA report of the Santa Clara County Teacher Workforce Study2712384
2xs4870vLGBTQ Youth Video Making257981
3v83583vNanopore native RNA sequencing of a human poly(A) transcriptome2571143
5674v4wxHigh-throughput Phenotyping of Lung Cancer Somatic Mutations2581034
5fw380k7Mathematics, Language, and Bilingual Latina/o Learners: A Review of the Empirical Research Literature2511473
8g23z97dReintroduction of the archaic variant of NOVA1 in cortical organoids alters neurodevelopment2513462
0729z3nwMathematics Education and Language Diversity: A Dialogue Across Settings234217
5f4618cfConceptualizing political knowledges needed to teach inclusive mathematics: theorizing through counterstories2313541
2gv1p7tq(Fake) News is Racist: Mapping Culturally Relevant Approaches to Critical News Literacy Pedagogy2210732
6754t8v2Designing and enacting instruction that enhances language for mathematics learning: a review of the state of development and research223118
9c96040kTalking while Computing in Groups: The Not-So-Private Functions of Computational Private Speech in Mathematical Discussions224612
96z843z5Images of Educational Leadership: How Principals Make Sense of Democracy and Social Justice in Two Distinct Policy Contexts2111433
8b48j712Full-length transcript alterations in human bronchial epithelial cells with U2AF1 S34F mutations201163
49v5g90dA Naturalistic Paradigm: An Introduction to Using Ethnographic Methods for Research in Mathematics Education19973
2gg6377pButler enables rapid cloud-based analysis of thousands of human genomes187542
3nm2p0shHigh-coverage whole-genome analysis of 1220 cancers reveals hundreds of genes deregulated by rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations187632
146933qmTakeover: Race, Education, and Democracy by Domingo Morel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. 206 pp., $105.00 (cloth).173635
9d19k6hmAppropriating Mathematical Practices: A Case Study of Learning to Use and Explore Functions Through Interaction with a Tutor171412
3nn1c8xsMapping the Terrain: Language Testing and Placement for US-Educated Language Minority Students in California's Community Colleges [EXECUTIVE SUMMARY]16952
5dg5k95nAn analysis of the features of words that influence vocabulary difficulty.
00f3h5nhTime to put your marketing cap on: Mapping digital corporate media curriculum in the age of surveillance capitalism147142
55q5k9pqTRIP13PCH-2 promotes Mad2 localization to unattached kinetochores in the spindle checkpoint response14482
5664w1xsRegulation of alternative splicing in Drosophila by 56 RNA binding proteins145243
8c89417bTales from three countries: reflections during COVID-19 for mathematical education in the future145243
1sd2k2tkLeading Towards Equity Through Decades of Reform: Oral Histories of District Politics and Community-Driven Reform in Oakland134144
47w3w84wProteasome inhibitor-induced modulation reveals the spliceosome as a specific therapeutic vulnerability in multiple myeloma134432
70g3v1fmSplicing modulation sensitizes chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to venetoclax by remodeling mitochondrial apoptotic dependencies125133
9dj589s0Coercion and consent for the U.S. education market: community engagement policy under racialized fiscal surveillance12822

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.