Education Department

Parent: UC Santa Cruz

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3b61n1wdAcademic literacy in mathematics for English Learners1831087559.0%
31m3q6tbMapping the Terrain: Language Testing and Placement for US-Educated Language Minority Students in California's Community Colleges [FULL REPORT]1352511018.5%
10g691cwWhat's in a Test? ESL and English Placement Tests in California's Community Colleges and Implications for US-Educated Language Minority Students101366535.6%
22v640frPan-cancer analysis of whole genomes7786910.4%
2bg0r9q0Educational Reform for Immigrant Youth in Japan6976210.1%
75h4z5j9Comprehensive molecular profiling of lung adenocarcinoma61164526.2%
6c2423g7LGBTQ street youth talk back: a meditation on resistance and witnessing47133427.7%
25t440dxScaffolding student participation in mathematical practices46133328.3%
14t551drSpecifying Hybrid Models of Teachers’ Work During COVID-1943133030.2%
5kk2153sThe Cancer Genome Atlas Pan-Cancer analysis project42142833.3%
1ms339fbMaking Curriculum from Scratch: Testimonio in an Urban Classroom4132978.0%
81m0m09mTranscriptomic Characterization of SF3B1 Mutation Reveals Its Pleiotropic Effects in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia4063415.0%
1p23k76tThe Language of Ideas and the Language of Display: Reconceptualizing “Academic Language” in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms36142238.9%
2df545phMathematics teaching practices with technology that support conceptual understanding for Latino/a students351342.9%
4jj9544kUsing Two Languages When Learning Mathematics351342.9%
4cm490n4Revisiting Early Research on Early Language and Number Names341332.9%
5fb3t2jxUsing the academic literacy in mathematics framework to uncover multiple aspects of activity during peer mathematical discussions3452914.7%
8390w0hjMultiplatform Analysis of 12 Cancer Types Reveals Molecular Classification within and across Tissues of Origin33112233.3%
0668z5cxInflammation drives alternative first exon usage to regulate immune genes including a novel iron-regulated isoform of Aim23142712.9%
6st9t1qdBhutan: educational challenges in the land of the Thunder Dragon3025583.3%
101965h5A Murine Model of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Based on B Cell-Restricted Expression of Sf3b1 Mutation and Atm Deletion2832510.7%
6x39n5kdC4 eJournal, Issue 12772025.9%
9jt5h2hkA report of the Santa Clara County Teacher Workforce Study2719870.4%
2xs4870vLGBTQ Youth Video Making2571828.0%
3v83583vNanopore native RNA sequencing of a human poly(A) transcriptome2532212.0%
5674v4wxHigh-throughput Phenotyping of Lung Cancer Somatic Mutations252238.0%
5fw380k7Mathematics, Language, and Bilingual Latina/o Learners: A Review of the Empirical Research Literature2571828.0%
8g23z97dReintroduction of the archaic variant of NOVA1 in cortical organoids alters neurodevelopment2561924.0%
0729z3nwMathematics Education and Language Diversity: A Dialogue Across Settings231224.3%
5f4618cfConceptualizing political knowledges needed to teach inclusive mathematics: theorizing through counterstories2361726.1%
2gv1p7tq(Fake) News is Racist: Mapping Culturally Relevant Approaches to Critical News Literacy Pedagogy2251722.7%
6754t8v2Designing and enacting instruction that enhances language for mathematics learning: a review of the state of development and research222209.1%
9c96040kTalking while Computing in Groups: The Not-So-Private Functions of Computational Private Speech in Mathematical Discussions220220.0%
96z843z5Images of Educational Leadership: How Principals Make Sense of Democracy and Social Justice in Two Distinct Policy Contexts2161528.6%
8b48j712Full-length transcript alterations in human bronchial epithelial cells with U2AF1 S34F mutations2031715.0%
49v5g90dA Naturalistic Paradigm: An Introduction to Using Ethnographic Methods for Research in Mathematics Education1941521.1%
2gg6377pButler enables rapid cloud-based analysis of thousands of human genomes181175.6%
3nm2p0shHigh-coverage whole-genome analysis of 1220 cancers reveals hundreds of genes deregulated by rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations180180.0%
146933qmTakeover: Race, Education, and Democracy by Domingo Morel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. 206 pp., $105.00 (cloth).1761135.3%
9d19k6hmAppropriating Mathematical Practices: A Case Study of Learning to Use and Explore Functions Through Interaction with a Tutor171165.9%
3nn1c8xsMapping the Terrain: Language Testing and Placement for US-Educated Language Minority Students in California's Community Colleges [EXECUTIVE SUMMARY]1621412.5%
5dg5k95nAn analysis of the features of words that influence vocabulary difficulty.
00f3h5nhTime to put your marketing cap on: Mapping digital corporate media curriculum in the age of surveillance capitalism1441028.6%
55q5k9pqTRIP13PCH-2 promotes Mad2 localization to unattached kinetochores in the spindle checkpoint response1421214.3%
5664w1xsRegulation of alternative splicing in Drosophila by 56 RNA binding proteins141137.1%
8c89417bTales from three countries: reflections during COVID-19 for mathematical education in the future141137.1%
1sd2k2tkLeading Towards Equity Through Decades of Reform: Oral Histories of District Politics and Community-Driven Reform in Oakland135838.5%
47w3w84wProteasome inhibitor-induced modulation reveals the spliceosome as a specific therapeutic vulnerability in multiple myeloma134930.8%
70g3v1fmSplicing modulation sensitizes chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to venetoclax by remodeling mitochondrial apoptotic dependencies124833.3%
9dj589s0Coercion and consent for the U.S. education market: community engagement policy under racialized fiscal surveillance125741.7%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.