Archived UCSC Economics Department Seminars

Parent: Department of Economics, UCSC

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6rk9f1fmFirm Reputation and Horizontal Integration44331175.0%
3z59c4p7Dynamic Oligopoly with Network Effects2942513.8%
5cz0h23tBidding for Industrial Plants: Does Winning a 'Million Dollar Plant' Increase Welfare?2832510.7%
9xr4f238The Endogeneity of the Exchange Rate as a Determinant of FDI: A Model of Money, Entry, and Multinational Firms28161257.1%
2b49w6f1Does Head Start Improve Long-Term Outcomes? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design2191242.9%
8zm571cwSchooling and the AFQT: Evidence from School Entry Laws2041620.0%
70v7f9ffTrade Liberalization and the Politics of Financial Development158753.3%
2jg817p3The Effect of Mandated State Education Spending in Total Local Resources1441028.6%
3sf4q6nnMonetary Policy Shocks, Inventory Dynamics, and Price-Setting Behavior145935.7%
4z54r2s3Incompatibility, Product Attributes and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from ATMs134930.8%
81m0r0jjClock Games: Theory and Experiments119281.8%
8853k4jdA Theory and Experiments of Learning in Social Networks63350.0%
4rs4202sFirm Size Dynamics in the Aggregate Economy51420.0%
8xs3k3j8Salary or Benefits?51420.0%
5j50x8d0Aggregate Returns to Education2020.0%
7pm9w3k3A Century In Economics2020.0%
06p3q21wTo be determined1010.0%
2541w16hCultural Differences, Insecure Property Rights and the Mode of Entry Decision1010.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.