Department of Education

Parent: UC Santa Barbara

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3m68352hBook Review: The Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Social Change by Angela McRobbie69819850028.4%
5kt6s812Adolescent gang involvement: The role of individual, family, peer, and school factors in a multilevel perspective.52114537627.8%
72m382mkDehumanization of the Black American Female: An American/Hawaiian Experience3995134812.8%
98g4d1r6Second language acquisition386313558.0%
5fj9g4xxBook Review: The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women by Jessica Valenti2862384883.2%
3tz160nqFinding Space Beyond Variables: An Analytical Review of Urban Space and Social Inequalities2096714232.1%
9bv3f0hpBook Review: Dude, You’re A Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School by C.J. Pascoe.2072118610.1%
5xw0x3gcThe impossible charm of Messiaen's <i>Chronochromie</i>1693113818.3%
9bp6f677A Latent Transition Mixture Model Using the Three-Step Specification165828349.7%
3bk1q2dqRacial Stratification, Social Consciousness, and the Education of Mexican Americans in Fabens, Texas: A Socio-Historical Case Study101604159.4%
1jq8s81bA.E.CunninghamJ.ZibulskyBook Smart2014Oxford University PressNY97267126.8%
8w9186zwRichard Steinitz, György Ligeti: Music of the Imagination (London: Faber and Faber, 2003), ISBN 0 571 17631 3 (hb)96316532.3%
99b2p9tgAutomata in extremis : Mauro Lanza's sublime sound machines967897.3%
7hf4q6w5Asian Americans and Creative Music Legacies94346036.2%
6gz7q7tzAttitudes toward the LGBT Community in Higher Education87602769.0%
4x8082z1Traumatic Stress, Systemic Oppression, and Resilience in Post-Katrina New Orleans86167018.6%
56c980gfBook Review: Stripped: Inside the Lives of Exotic Dancers by Bernadette Barton84642076.2%
46d414qqAssociations Between Childhood Peer Victimization and Aggression and Subsequent Victimization and Aggression at College79176221.5%
5734n13wChallenges in Classifying Students with Emotional Disturbance: Perspectives of Appraisal Professionals78601876.9%
8xz8z27jBook Review: How Does It Feel To Be A Problem? by Moustafa Bayoumi69244534.8%
3b72d9q2Book Review: Polluted Promises: Environmental Racism and the Search for Justice in a Southern Town by Melissa Checker684645.9%
4hw036wsThe Rumpus670670.0%
3294j8bvBrahms's Poetic Allusions through Hanslick's Critical Lens66145221.2%
6km380kgThe Schoenberg/Brahms Critical Tradition Reconsidered65224333.8%
03b7k2kmThe Inequitable Treatment of English Learners in California's Public Schools641631.6%
2724q6fvAcquisition of L2 Mandarin Chinese tones with learner-created tone visualizations64323250.0%
7064b4mcBook Review: Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity by Robert Jensen63174627.0%
8h87277qBoobs, Boxing, and Bombs: Problematizing the Entertainment of Spike TV56272948.2%
6w42d6p2FCJ-132 Towards a Performative Aesthetics of Interactivity5484614.8%
86m528dbCareer Decisionmaking: Perspectives of Low-Income Urban Youth54332161.1%
7q1594xsA Critical Inferno? Hoplit, Hanslick and Liszt's Dante Symphony50262452.0%
0xk6c8vqBook Review: Boys' Bodies: Speaking the Unspoken edited by Michael Kehler and Michael Atkinson493466.1%
2p7505c1Brahms as a Vanishing Point in the Music of Wolfgang Rihm: Reflections on Klavierstück Nr. 641221953.7%
6t08f2m4Interdisciplinary Ways of Knowing: A Collaborative Teacher Education Project for Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Rural White America39201951.3%
4h59r6jgBook Review: The Object of Memory: Arab and Jew Narrate the Palestinian Village by Susan Slyomovics3892923.7%
9v96h8f4The effects of early home literacy environments on fourth-grade literacy achievement: an international comparison3863215.8%
3n77w95wBook Review: Respectably Queer: Diversity Culture in LGBT Activist Organizations By Jane Ward3743310.8%
3cg6r51nThe Cosmopolitan Absurdity of Ligeti's Late Works36211558.3%
6771j5b2Perched: A Poet in The Academy363338.3%
58v5s45t'Composing the Sound itself;’ Secondary Parameters and Structure in the Music of Ligeti3582722.9%
9s17h6kz"Come Rise to Higher Spheres!" Tradition Transcended in Brahms's Violin Sonata No. 1 in G major, Op. 7835191654.3%
9x5026zpReconfiguring Myth and Narrative in Contemporary Opera: Osvaldo Golijov, Kaija Saariaho, John Adams, Tan Dun. By Yayoi Uno Everett3592625.7%
2fp1g1cwThe ‘Other’ of the Exotic: Balinese Music as ‘Grammatical Paradigm’ in the Music of Ligeti34112332.4%
3567g18kLanguage and culture learning in higher education via telecollaboration34231167.6%
9xq189kpBook Review: Lydia's Open Door: Inside Mexico's Most Modern Brothel By Patty Kelly342325.9%
1dk9k9d6Genre as emigre The return of the repressed in Ligeti's Second Quartet33171651.5%
3sx6k97nBrahms as a Vanishing Point in the Music of Wolfgang Rihm: Reflections on Klavierstück Nr. 633112233.3%
6gw8h8k0Radio and Collective Identity in the 2006 Oaxacan Uprising322306.3%
8wx964ww'Are you dead, like us?’ The Liminal Status of the Undead in the Music of Ligeti3292328.1%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.