UC Santa Barbara

Parent: eScholarship

eScholarship stats: History by Unit for November, 2024 through February, 2025

UnitDrill downTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
UC Santa Barbara Previously Published Works183,27662,54349,24439,75231,737
UC Santa Barbara Electronic Theses and Dissertations130,18540,57631,21628,50529,888
University of California Transportation Center5 series41,83213,58710,7738,6398,833
Department of English1 oru, 3 series40,14012,16910,1398,8329,000
Center for Spatial Studies9 series, 2 orus28,6667,9206,7916,5987,357
Department of Economics5 series20,9925,7425,5854,8474,818
Department of Sociology1 journal, 1 series17,4124,9064,3983,9844,124
Global Studies1 journal, 3 series13,5393,4863,5343,2113,308
Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities4 orus7,9912,2251,9092,0511,806
Technology Innovations in Statistics Education6,8532,0091,7601,4781,606
Department of Education1 series, 1 journal6,6301,7771,6001,5811,672
Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration7 series6,0811,6131,1602,1161,192
University of California Energy Institute4 series, 1 oru4,7181,5691,252990907
University of California Water Resources Center3 series4,5751,7761,153889757
Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies4,3631,4021,2031,018740
University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute7 series3,5261,012806758950
UC Santa Barbara Library5 series3,2031,051803773576
Department of Spanish and Portuguese1 oru, 1 series, 2 journals2,9431,052664646581
react/review: a responsive journal for art & architecture2,925886716652671
Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research15 orus, 1 series2,800903673682542
Department of Computer Science3 series2,532941744478369
Journal of Astronomy in Culture2,211567587481576
Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies1,705500458411336
Department of Feminist Studies4 series1,672444495361372
Chicano Studies Institute6 series, 1 journal1,321424283361253
University of California Institute for Labor and Employment4 series1,233372300358203
Center for Complex and Nonlinear Science1 series865350177197141
UC World History Workshop3 series798215225178180
Pacific Rim Research Program2 series761267171201122
Ancient Borderlands Research Focus Group2 series752188152211201
Department of Film and Media Studies1 journal, 1 series61518717117582
Writing Program2 series504121150109124
Center for Black Studies Research1 series374867687125
UCSB Natural Reserve System2 orus3431101019834
University of California All Campus Consortium on Research for Diversity2 series337103858168
UC Transnational and Transcolonial Studies Multicampus Research Group1 series317109728353
Center for the Study of Neurodegenerative Disorders4 series11332392814
Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management Program on Governance for Sustainable Development1 series9436261715
Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation1 series491811137
UC Global Health Institute1 series289964
Earth Research Institute1 series145261
UCEAP Mexico1 series

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.