UC Marine Council

Parent: UC Office of the President

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
9nq1j21pAspects of the ecology and behaviour of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Santa Monica Bay, California542381310
5gv9w4jwDolphins and African apes: comparisons of sympatric socio-ecology5015111311
0jc5662hThe fishery for California market squid (Loligo opalescens) (Cephalopoda: Myopsidafrom 1981 through 200340641515
6cg32439Availability, usage and expected contribution of potential nursery habitats for the California halibut3051492
5g18n9wgThe effects of runoff on the physiology of Enteromorpha intestinalis: implications for use as a bioindicator of freshwater and nutrient influx to estaurine and coastal areas298993
5kh6782pAssessing the Feeding Behavior of California sea lions2913763
6sq586v0Habitat Partitioning by Three Species of Dolphins in Santa Monica Bay, California2912854
96f0h2rwMacrozooplankton Assemblages in California Fronts2713464
8rw1b77sCalifornia Sea Lions Use Dolphins to Locate Food2611744
64f711gcDolphin sympatric ecology239473
2pd8736vDefining the Extent of Larval Exchange among Kelp Rockfish (Sebastes atrovirens) Populations Using Otolith Microchemistry227942
5835v47xSpeciation and Genetic Structure in a Marine Fish with an Extended Pelagic Larval Phase: an Analysis of Both the Juvenile and Adult Populations of Blue Rockfish (Sebastes Mystinus)2110551
1rj47605A Dynamic Approach to the Characterization of Marine Habitats201055
8245j1h0Southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) and emergent disease in the near-shore marine ecosystem: Assessment of spatial trends in cause-specific mortality from 1998-2001 and evaluation of an aerial survey method for surveillance of trends in mortality206851
3z9494rpThe University of California Marine Laboratories197651
5kv9k7shContribution of Iron-Reducing Bacteria to Mercury Methylation in Marine Sediments195464
6nf2s0c5The Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals to Bacteria185841
8pc6t9n4Pinniped ecology in Santa Monica Bay, California175651
9c20x66nDetermining The Importance Of Stock Structure, And Production Sources To Population Dynamics Of California Chinook Salmon Using Otoliths As Geochemical Signatures17764
13k8v62kA Mechanism Coupling Sewage Effluent to the Dark Survival of the Toxic Diatom Pseudo-nitzschia sp. and Subsequent Initiation of Toxic Blooms by Coastal Upwelling15663
2sd952fnThe Role of Temperature in the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient in Herbivorous Fishes: Implications of Global Climate Change147322
6sq1r0xkLarval Pathways and Population Connectivity in Nearshore Marine Organisms147232
98f7n5hbOccurrence of Aeromonas hydrophila in Southern California’s Coastal Waters and Virulence Factors Associated with Infections144343
2zv9x2s7Coastal Ocean Observing System Elements for the Southern California Bight and Santa Monica Bay137231
8rh8v260Reestablishment of trophic interactions in restored coastal wetlands: the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up forces in structuring Cerithidea californica (Gastropoda) abundance134441
9mf9j431Allometry measurements from in situ video recordings can determine the size and swimming speeds of juvenile and adult squid Loligo opalescens (Cephalopoda: Myopsida)132632
2rx8d74pGenetic diversity enhances the resistance of a seagrass ecosystem to disturbance125322
4n29102nUnderstanding Nutrient Loading to the Coastal Zone from Urban Watersheds126231
7nn3t1jrSpatial and temporal variation in trace elemental fingerprints of mytilid mussel shells: A precursor to invertebrate larval tracking124152
9mx2q7rnFacilitation Between Non-indigenous Species: Smooth Cordgrass and Invertebrates12345
3g8384wwCryptosporidium in Bivalves as Indicators of Fecal Pollution in the California Coastal Ecosystem113431
7fn6708pDevelopment of a dynamic optimal habitat model to describe the spatial and temporal habitat distributions of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera113116
1t41h8zjContaminant-induced immune alterations in the Pacific harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardsi, of the central coast and San Francisco Estuary103412
1vd5719wCoastal Ocean Observing System Elements for the Southern California Bight and Santa Monica105311
2dt3k8t6The Effect of Rock Type on Intertidal Community Structure102422
2fd0q8shUsing LA-ICP-MS elemental fingerprinting to evaluate transport and retention of mussel (Mytilus spp.) larvae10352
6cj0453gLinks between coastal circulation and pollutant dispersal in the Santa Barbara Channel10343
7qk840v0Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Environmental Estrogens in Marine10442
614621hzEvaluating the Relative Importance of Coastal Habitat Types as Productive Nursery Grounds for the California Halibut9423
8d8353n6Trophically Transmitted Parasites as Wetland Assessors9342
2m6288h2Organic Carbon in the Marine Enviornment: Redox State as a Measure of the Health of California Estuaries8323
9tv8v8m5Fertilization in the sea: Establishing the minimum population sizes and environmental conditions for successful fertilization in abalone6222
46h1m07xAssessing Human Alterations to Fluvial Sediment Delivery and the Impacts to Beach Sustainability, Central California5311
55x2p6k3Human and Natural Causes of Variation of Forage Species on Nearshore Rocky Reefs52111
6dn079svUse of historical remote sensing to link watershed land use change and wetland vegetation response in a California estuary431

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.