Department of Statistics Papers

Parent: Department of Statistics, UCLA

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
2mk8r49vComparative Fit Indices in Structural Models4694056486.4%
583610fvA Generalized Definition of the Polychoric Correlation Coefficient3744532912.0%
7qp4604rThe Phi-coefficient, the Tetrachoric Correlation Coefficient, and the Pearson-Yule Debate3016024119.9%
87t603nsOn Statistical Criteria: Theory, History, and Applications29862922.0%
53n4f34mBayesian networks279152645.4%
6gv9n38cCausal Diagrams for Empirical Research2471767171.3%
27s1d3h7Robust Statistical Modeling Using the t- Distribution2211299258.4%
9q6553krObject Perception as Bayesian Inference2191863384.9%
8cs5815xVision as Bayesian Inference: Analysis by Synthesis?2187913936.2%
6cn677bxComparative Fit Indices in Structural Models19071833.7%
24w7k7m1Mahalanobis' Distance Beyond Normal Distributions16831651.8%
4bp1t13zDesigning Studies for Dose Response12931262.3%
490131xjThe Causal Foundations of Structural Equation Modeling1281062282.8%
45x689gqIdentifiability of Path-Specific Effects124279721.8%
3141h70cScaling Corrections for Statistics in Covariance Structure Analysis121992281.8%
49m7794dA Comparison of Some Methodologies for the Factor Analysis of Non-Normal Likert Variables: A Note on the Size of the Model104901486.5%
65z429wcAssessment and Propagation of Model Uncertainty93207321.5%
7j01t5sfOn the Relation Between the Polychoric Correlation Coefficient and Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient86107611.6%
8940b4k8Approximating the Distribution of Pareto Sums85622372.9%
13k6x1w8Jakob Bernoulli's Theory of Inference823793.7%
2cs5m2shA Primer on Robust Regression78542469.2%
0fd986xbInformation Theory and an Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Principle by Hirotogu Akaike77552271.4%
2hw5r3tmWhy There Is No Statistical Test for Confounding, Why Many Think There Is, and Why They Are Almost Right77225528.6%
4q74x3frThe Foundations of Causal Inference77126515.6%
9nh0d6wjProbabilities of Causation: Three Counterfactual Interpretations and their Identification743714.1%
4x788631A Comparison of Maximum-Likelihood and Asymptotically Distribution-Free Methods of Treating Incomplete Non-Normal Data73482565.8%
05n729v1Homogeneity Analysis in R: The Package homals727659.7%
0zj8s368Statistical Assumptions as Empirical Commitments72522072.2%
29w3z5b6Geometrical Aspects of Multiple Correspondence Analysis: Implications for the Coordinate Scaling Debate7265790.3%
6xc0172fIsotone Optimization in R: Pool-Adjacent-Violators Algorithm (PAVA) and Active Set Methods72611184.7%
0789f7d3The Gifi System for Nonlinear Multivariate Analysis71581381.7%
3s62r0d6Simpson's Paradox: An Anatomy71601184.5%
7786134tStatistics and the Modern Student71521973.2%
9zx0h8k6Aspects of Graphical Models Connected with Causality71531874.6%
7wg0k7xqApplications of Convex Analysis to Multidimensional Scaling68383055.9%
84j7c2w5Regression with Missing X's: A Review68551380.9%
7sw581hcSharp Quadratic Majorization in One Dimension671661.5%
1gf0b3m7Simple and Canonical Correspondence Analysis Using the R Package anacor664626.1%
3jq067x8Bounds on Treatment Effects from Studies with Imperfect Compliance64234135.9%
8j29393dVariable Selection via Penalized Likelihood62352756.5%
3mw1p0mbSlicing Regression: Dimension Reduction via Inverse Regression6154788.5%
5pk7v8c5What are Textons?603575.0%
5qk1s0dvObject Perception as Bayesian Inference6051985.0%
3tv1b3bgTransportability across studies: A formal approach59134622.0%
2bz9c0zrComparing Robust Properties of A, D, E and G-Optimal Designs5865210.3%
8gh5613rSimpson's Paradox: An Anatomy58164227.6%
7tn3p6jxCausal Diagrams5751689.5%
45h3t3t2Bias in Factor Score Regression and a Simple Solution541531.9%
9050x4r4Reproducible Research. The Bottom Line5364711.3%
06h5156tStatistical Software - Overview522503.8%

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